Chapter 40

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———— Alex's POV————
"Gl- Glenn!" I was shocked. He was the last person I expected to see. He didn't say anything. His eyes meet mine, and he finally speaks, "you should have told me, I would have helped keep it secret!" He said and smiles. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I laugh and he comes and hugs me. Daryl cuts in, "ya won't tell her dad?" He questions. Glenn laughs and shakes his head. Daryl gives a small nod. "But you better not hurt her. And keep her safe." Glenn says sternly. I hit his arm Softly.

"I'd never hurt her," Daryl says back. I blush and give him a small smile. We all decide to walk back before it gets too dark. When we get to camp I go with Glenn and promise to see Daryl at Dinner. Suddenly a force hits me and arms wrap around my waist.

I look down and see Carl. "Hey bud," I say as I ruffle his hair. He looks up at me, "where did you go after the vote? I wanted to hang out with you," he says sadly. I give a small smile, "I just went out for a walk, I'll hang out with you now," I say. He give a big smile and pulls me over to where he has paper and crayons set up.

I sit in front of one paper and he sits in front of the other. We both start drawing. After a while I look over and see what he has accomplished so far. I smile as I see her drew the deer he saw the day I was shot. I look at my attempt of drawing out house. Well, what was our house. I make a few finishing touches and then watch Carl.

I hear footsteps and turn to see Lori. I give a small smile and turn back to Carl. She sits next to him and praises his drawing. He smiles proudly. Then his eyes get big, "I'm gonna go show dad!" He says excitedly and runs off to find him. I laugh a little then turn to see Lori looking at me.

"Your different," she says. "The apocalypse does that to you," I say flatly. She sighs. "I did love your dad. But when I thought he was dead, Shane stole my heart." She starts explaining. "I don't care why you did it." I say a little harsher then I intended.

"Your different, not just because of the walkers. I can only assume it's because of what happened to your father and I. Your rarely with Carl and only speak to your father when you need something or he needs your help. Your never talk to me. Your always With Glenn and... and Daryl." She trails off.

I meet her eyes. "So what that Im with Glenn and Daryl more." I ask. "Glenn, I love that your with Glenn. He is a good guy and I trust him. It's Daryl.... I don't agree with it. It pisses Shane off, and your dad is to caught up to say anything about it." She says.

I don't speak. She starts again, "you shouldn't be with him anymore." She says. I stand up. "You can't do that!" I yell. She stands as well, she is a little taller but I could care less right now. "Yes I can. And I will be talking to your father about it. He is a bad role model and dangerous. Who knows about his past?? Not like he will tell anyone," she says sternly.

I shake my head and storm off. I go to a tree and sit against it, hoping nobody comes over. I pull my knees up and rest my head on them. I hear footsteps coming closer. "Go away," I say. "Can we talk?" I hear a male voice say. I look and see Daniel.

I put my head back now and feel his presence sit next to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Peachy," I say sarcastically. He laughs a little and we sit in silence. Oddly enough the silence is comforting. Sit for a long while as the sun sets. Soon is it dark. "We should head back for dinner," he says. I nod and he helps my up.

His hand lingers on mine before he pulls away. I start walking back and he walks with me. We go inside and I see dad. He turns around and sees me. "Can we talk?" He says. A knot forms in my stomach as I nod slowly. He walks towards me and I turn to walk out the door with him.

The door opens right before I open it and Daryl is on the other side. "Hey," He says softly, looking up at my dad he nods. I give a small smile and dad pushed me the rest of the way out. He takes a seat in a chair on the porch and I remain standing.

"Your mother informed me of what I haven't been seeing. You and Daryl." I roll my eyes, acting annoyed. But my heart is beating a mile a minute. "It seems any time you go into the woods, either to clear your head or hunt, Daryl follows or goes with. I don't want you with him anymore. And if you are I want someone else there."

"What!" I exclaim. "Why?! You have no reason to! And no right! I'm an adult." He stands "as your father I have every right, please just don't argue. Why does it matter anyway? It should only matter if your mother's right," he says.

"Right about what?!" I demand. "About you guys being together! About going off to do things you shouldn't be doing, especially with him," he yells. "Are you serious!! You should trust me!" I shout. "It's hard to do that when your distant with me! You don't even feel like my daughter anymore!" He yells and takes a step closer.

"What do you want me to do?! I'm trying to live my life the best I can because the world went to shit!" I say as I turn away and start to walk off. "Watch your mouth young lady." He says sternly. I turn around and I'm about to start arguing again when the door opens. Of course. It's the last person I want to walk out, Daryl.

"Is everything good?" He questions. "I don't want you anywhere near her, ever." Dad starts. "Dad come on," I try to cut in. "No. Don't go near my daughter unless she is dying or about to. Do you understand me?" Im about protest when Daryl speaks. "Yes sir." Then he walks off towards his tent.

My jaw drops. He gave in, so easily. I shake my head as I keep tears from falling. My back to dad as I watch Daryl enter his tent. "You should hang with Daniel more, I like him." Dad suggests calmly. I turn around, meet his eyes, then storm off to me and Glenn's tent.

I rush inside and startle Glenn. "Woah," he says as he almost drops his food. "Sorry," I mumble. "Everything okay?" He asks. I nod and lay down. He doesn't push. I close my eyes and slow my breath. After a long while of laying there as if I was asleep, Glenn finished eating and lays down in his sleeping bag. I lay there till the rest of the camp settled down and everything is quiet.

I then quietly get up and slowly go out he tent. I look towards the RV and see the lookout has there back towards me. I make my way through the camp, being careful of branches and anything else that can alert the camp. I hurriedly make my way towards my destination.

Suddenly I stop in my tracks. The last tent I have to past is Loris and Shane's. They have a flashlight on and are taking quietly. I put as much distance between me and the tent as possible without getting to far. Suddenly I hear a crack. Shit. I stepped on a branch. I hear there tent unzipping and I dive behind the tree. Heart pumping.

I see the light sweep near, then Shane's voice comfort Lori saying it fell from the tree and there was nothing. I mentally beat myself, then carry on. So close. Finally I reach it. Daryl's tent. I unzip his tent slowly, then turn on my flash light, covering it with my hand so there is still light but it's not bright enough to wake him.

I see him laying in his bag, of course only in boxers. I give a small smile and feel heat rising to my cheeks. I zip back up the tent and shut off my light. I take another step closer to him and suddenly feel a force push me down and cold metal on my neck. "Who are you and what the fuck do you want?" He whispers harshly.

"Daryl..." I whispers. Suddenly the cold metal is off my neck. "Alex what the fuck? You shouldn't be here, I can't be seen with you." Says as he sits down. "That's why Im hear," i say as I go over to him and kiss him. He pushes me down on his sleeping bag and kisses back. My hands go to his hair and my legs wrap around him.

I move my hands and put them in the band of his boxers. He instantly pulls away. "What..?" I ask confused. "No, you don't want that," he says. I sigh, "has it ever occurred to you that maybe I do?" I state. "No. Because I want that, not you." He says. I sit up sit on his lap, wrapping my legs around him once more.

I place a small kiss on his neck then whisper in his ear, "then take it," i feel him tense up and I smile, I'm so close to getting him to. He doesn't move, he doesn't do anything. I slowly remove my shirt and I'm left in a bra. He turn his head away. "Cmon Daryl," I whine softly into his ear. His hands go around my bare waist softly and I get goosebumps from the touch.

He pushes me down again and kisses my neck. Then he retreats. "No," he states. "Go back to your tent, please. Before I do something I don't want to do." He asks. "Fine," i say, i take my shirt and walk out and slowly back to my tent. Once I get there I shut it and lay down, but I can't sleep.

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