Chapter 11

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----------Alex's POV----------

I was sitting on the ground, talking to the elders, with a dog in my lap. Can this get any better? I mean I'm their prisoner and I'm petting a dog! I never thought I would see a dog again. After about 5 minutes, G walks in. "So am I free, or are you keeping me locked away, here with the elders and a dog?" I ask with a little laugh.

"Your people are bringing me my bag of guns, and my boy, then they can have you back." G replies, not even looking at me. "What? How the hell is that fair?" I question, raising my voice a little. "Me for your boy is fair, and the guns are my Fathers, He got them from his abandoned Police station." I say when he doesn't answer.

"Yes, I know it's an uneven trade. That's why I have a feeling they are going to come locked and loaded instead. That means you need to keep the elders safe." G says while holding out my belt with my weapons. I look up at him, then take the belt.

Once the belt is secure, I speak up, "My Father isn't a monster. If you tell him about the elders, Im sure he will be more than willing to give up a few guns." G spins around so fast, I can't really believe it. "No, that's a sign of weakness. We can't tell him." He says in a hushed tone.

"Maybe it is a sign of weakness, but it's what you need. Some of you may die.  All of you may die, then who would protect the elders. Please just tell him." I say gesturing to all the elder in the room. He sighs and says he'll think about it. I smile, then sit back down, put the dog in my lap to sleep, and listen to the elders stories.

----------Daryl's POV---------

We go back to the kids place, only this time with guns, and they are loaded. We march up through the gate and see G waiting there for us. None of them have guns on them, like last time. What the hell? They that dumb?  "Your daughter helped me realize something I didn't see before. I'm going to bring you in to give your daughter. I ask for at least 2 guns from you, Please. we have people to protect." G says, almost like he is pleading.

I look to Rick and he nods, following G inside. I switch to my crossbow, while Glenn, Rick, and T still have their guns up. G point to a room, "In there," He says. We walk in and see a bunch of elders, and Alex sitting on the floor listening to their stories.

She isn't tied or anything, she must have a way with words, or maybe she just kept breaking out of the ties. "Alex! We came as soon as we could! We thought you were getting eaten by dogs!" Glenn says happily while walking up to her.

"What? This dog?" She says while turning, exposing a dog sleeping in her lap. The dog looked like a pup, and it was totally harmless. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Rick ask G. I don't hear a response, but by the sound of there footsteps getting farther and farther, I can guess he nodded.

I watch as Glenn sits next to her, and the dog wakes up and jumps into his lap. She laughs when it jumps up to lick his face. Her laugh.... Jeez how I missed it. Wait what? No. I didn't. Just good to have her back. "Come say hi Daryl, I know how you missed me so much," She says with a laugh. I grunt and stay leaning against the doorway.

-------Alex's POV-------

I watch the dog jump up, trying to lick Glenn's face. I turn around and see my dad is missing, and so is G. They are probably talking somewhere. I also see Daryl leaning up against the doorway. Damn, I actually missed his attitude. Just to make him talk, "Come say hi Daryl, I know how you missed me so much," I say, then laugh when he just grunts and stays put.

The dog looks over and sees Daryl for the first time. He jumps out of Glenn's lap and runs over to Daryl. Daryl takes a step back, but the dog won't let him get away. He gets to him and jumps up on his leg and barks softly.

I laugh when Daryl just stares at it, confused. "Get your damn dog Alex," He says, but he says it softly, as if he may be joking. I laugh again and stand up. I make my way over to the dog and Daryl and pick the tiny thing up and hold it against my chest. I look up and see Daryl staring at the dog, like he is unsure of what to do.

I smile to myself and hold the dog out towards Daryl's face. Daryl quickly steps back and runs into the wall. "Trapped now, Dixon. Dogs gonna get you now!" I say while holding the dog closer to his face. The dog finally is close enough and starts licking his face. And Daryl just.... Laughs?

"Daryl Dixon, did a dog just make you laugh?" I say with a laugh of my own. "You two alright?" I hear Dad say. I look towards the sound and see him, my dad. I quickly make Daryl hold the dog, them I run over and hug him. He hugs me back and says we are free to go.

"Hey Dad, can we take the dog? It's the one thing in this world that makes everyone laugh. He even makes Daryl laugh." I say while looking into Dads blue eyes. "No," he says with a laugh. "Aw, fine." I pout. Daryl puts down the dog, and Glenn walks up to me.

"Race you to the van!" Glenn shouts while taking off. I dash after him, making Dad and Daryl have to jog just to keep us within their sight. I speed past Glenn with a laugh, then stop suddenly, making Glenn almost run into me.

"Why did you stop?" Glenn ask, trying to catch his breath. "The van is gone." I state, while pointing. "What's wrong?" Dad asked when he caught up with Daryl on his heels. I repeat my self, then we all start walking up the mountain, hoping to be back before dark.

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