Chapter 13

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————Alex's POV————
I wake up in my tent, alone. Glenn must already be up. I get up and ready, slipping on a black T-shirt with a panda on the back, and a pair of light blue jean shorts. I pull on my tennis shoes, and start packing the rest of my stuff.

About 10 minutes later I finish, and start packing Glenn's stuff, mostly Clothes. I finish up and walk out the tent. Right when I am out, I'm met by Shane. "Hey Alex, you need help taking the tent down?" He ask.

"No it's good, Glenn's stuff is still in there, plus he can do it." I say back with a small smile. "Maybe you could help take Jim's down, Cuz he can't," I say when a hurt expression appears on his face.

He nods and starts towards Jim's tent. "Glenn!" I yell in his direction. He looks at me and I motion him over. "Get your stuff out and help me pack this thing up," I say while putting my bag down so I can help.

He nods and goes in the tent. A minute later he comes out with his bag I packed and another small backpack, for runs. "You packed my stuff? Thanks. I was gonna but I didn't want to wake you." He said with and smile as he starts taking the tent down.

"Your welcome, and you don't have to worry about waking me up, I'm a heavy sleeper." I reply with a laugh. He laughs too.

When the tent is finally down, we walk over to Dad to see where we are each riding. Glenn is going in the RV with Dale, Jim, and Andrea. And I get to go in Daryl's truck with him, great.

"Why can't I ride with you and Carl and Mom." I complain. "I'm sorry sweetie, but I can't put Shane with Daryl, and I can't put you with Shane, at least not in the same car for hours." He says with a sad smile. I nod, knowing he is right. I really can't be in a car with Shane. After 5 minutes we would be trying to kill each other, so I guess being with Daryl isn't the worst.

"Alright, everyone get in your assigned cars! We will be on Channel 14 on the radio. Beep once if you need us to stop!" Shane calls out to the group, carrying Jim's tent to the RV.

I head to Daryl's truck, he is already in it. I start to get nervous, why? I sigh and hop in the truck, pushing my bags down by my feet for easier access. I hear him groan when he sees he has to ride with someone. "Grow up you big baby," I say a little harsher than I meant it to be.

"Who the hell you callin' a 'big baby'" he says as he starts to drive following the other cars. "The guy next to me that groaned when I got in the car." I answer back. I put my feet up on the dash board and lean back in the old, leather seat.

I see him glance at me, but he doesn't say anything. I lean my head against the window and watch the trees go by in a blur.

The ride was total silence, not uncomfortable silence, but definitely not the most comfortable one either. After about 2 hours, I decide to break the silence, "did you have a Girlfriend when this started," I asked, looking at him.

He looked at me like I had two heads and six eyes. "Or another sibling or something?" I quickly add. I don't want it to sound like I like him, cuz I don't.

"Nah, just me, Merle, and me dad. Then the world went to shit, dad died, and Merle was left on a roof." He says looking back at the road. When he said he Dad died, his voice nor face held any emotion.

"Were you sad when your dad died?" I asked shyly. I get it's a risky topic, and I'm lucky to have my dad back, but I need to know. "Nah not really, I never liked my dad. Was nothing like yours." He says softly.

I nod, not knowing if he saw, and kept silent the rest of the ride.  When it started to get Dark, we all stopped at a motel. It was two floors so Dad, Uncle Shane, T, And Daryl went inside to check all the rooms and halls for walkers.

I was left outside to protect them while the men were gone. I saw Andrea taking to Carl, saying stuff about survival. As she talked, she placed her hands on his shoulders. He looked pretty uncomfortable under her touch. I went to say something to her, to make her realize, when Mom spoke up first.

"Please don't touch my boy, he doesn't like it." She snaps at her. She didn't have to be so mean about it....

"What do you mean? It's not like I was hurting him, or gonna rape him." Andrea answers angrily. I take a step closer. Not to interfere now, but if things start to get ugly, I don't have to run as far.

"How could I be so sure, I mean it's the end of the world. Your a grown women and he is a young, defenseless boy. How do I know you have good intentions?" Mom asked Andrea, getting her more mad.

"What? Did you have good intentions when you  went and fucked Shane in the woods. Then left him when your husband came back?!" Andrea yells. I gasp, How does she know? Does everyone know? Everyone but dad....

As if reading my thoughts, mom asks, "How did you know about that!?" Andrea scoffs, "everyone here knows, but your Husband and Son. Even your daughter knows!" Andreas replies. "Alright enough, both of you." I say, finally stepping in. I see Carl is pulling away from mom and was looking between her and Andrea.

Mom takes a step towards him, but he steps back. "Is it true? You had sex with Uncle Shane...?" He questions softly, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Carl sweetie, please understand, I thought Dad was Dead! I'm not with Shane anymore." She says calmly. Carl is still not going to her.

"Carl, come here buddy," I say to him, bringing his attention to me. He comes immediately and hugs me, letting a few tears fall silently. "Lori, you need to tell Dad." I say, kinda surprised I used her name and not mom.

"What did you call me?" She questions harshly. I repeat myself with more authority in my voice. She is shocked I used her name, but just nods. How am I supposed to call her my mom now.

I know she said she was with Dad now, but she didn't sound to confident, like she actually wanted Shane. Just then the group comes out of the Motel, saying that it's Clear.

Dad says we have to share, because there is only 6 rooms with decently clean beds and floors. Dad goes with Mom and Carl into one. Dale and Andrea into another.

Carol and Sophia pause, them choose a room. 3 rooms left. I decided to wait till last, just because I don't really care who I ended up with. T takes Jim into a room and says he will stay with him. All that's left is Me, Glenn, Shane, and Daryl. I look at each of them in turn.

"You can stay with me, Alex." Glenn says. Shane glares at him. "No I can't. Shane and Daryl can't be together. One will be dead in the morning." I state. They all nod in agreement. "So me or Daryl?" Shane asks.

"Well saying Daryl has only talked to Glenn once, and Glenn will be more... comfortable with Shane. I guess I'll stay with Daryl. The all nod again and start heading to the rooms.

I drop back with Glenn, "Your welcome," I
whisper before walking into my shared room with Daryl. Sadly, there is only one bed.....

Hope y'all enjoy that add on, vote and comment :)

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