The Next Mourning

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Virgil's POV:

I was woken up by the sunlight coming through the wi... wait sunlight doesn't go through my windows. I shot up from my laying position. I look around seeing a gigantic room, white walls, white fluffy carpeting, red bed, and everything Disney. Why am I in Princey's room? Memories from last night start flooding my brain. I look down and realize I'm still naked. I start blushing uncontrollably. I hear light snoring coming from an also still naked Roman laying next to me. I blush even more.

I snap my fingers and my pants appear on my body. I look over at Roman. He's laying on his back with the blankets under his V-line, barely covering his 'manhood'. I didn't realize I was starring at his... amazingly perfect, six pack.

"Like what you see?" His deep, sexy, raspy, voice said snapping me out of my trans.

I lean back use my arm as support. "Yes, but I would love to see more." I say slightly tugging the blanket down. But before I can see anything he snaps his boxers on.

"As much as I would love to go at it again, I need to shower before Patton summons us for breakfast."

"Well why don't we shower together. You know, kill two birds with one stone." I lay down and lean in for a kiss.

"I like the sound of that." He says before closing the gap between us. We share a sweet kiss before pulling back.

"Come on." I say as I try to stand up. A shot of pain goes through my body and I fall with a loud thud.

Roman's POV:

"Virgil!" I immediately rush over to his side.

"Are you okay?" I help him up and sit him on the bed. I notice his hips have bruises on the sides. Did I do that?

"Oh my God Virgil, I'm so sorry." I said staring at his bruises.

"It's nothing"

"What do you mean nothing? I was obviously too rough on you. I should have been more gentle, especially it being your first time and..." He cuts me off with a kiss.

"It's fine, really. I like it rough. The more pain, the more better it felt." We blush slightly at the last sentence.

"Okay but, you won't be able to walk today."

"Good. Just proves how good you listen to me." He smirked. "Besides you should be more worried about all the hickeys on your neck."

"The what?!" I run to my mirror. Sure enough my neck is covered in hickeys. I gasp. "Great how the hell am I supposed to cover that up." My hands gesturing to my neck.

Virgil just laughs as he shrugs. "I don't know, makeup? It's easy to hide. Me on the other hand can't even walk."

*sigh* I summon and glass of water and Advil. "Here, this should help. I'm gonna take a shower." I hand it to him and walk to the bathroom that is connected to my room.

Virgil's POV:

I take the pills and lay down waiting for them to take effect. I hear him turn the shower on. He starts singing 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight?'. Of course. A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door.

I snap my fingers for a shirt. "Come in." I say loud enough for them to hear. Patton opens the door.

"Hey Kiddo's, you in there?"

"Yeah I'm here. Princey's taking a shower." I sit up to look at him.

"Okay well breakfast is ready." He walks in and sits on the bed. "Did you guys have fun last night." He asks with raised eyebrows.

"Umm, yeah. I-I guess you could say that." My voice cracking at the end.

"Yeah, I guess with scary movies it can go both ways."


"Scary movies. I assume that's what you guys were doing. I mean with the screaming and all."

"Uh ,yeah, yeah. We were just watching scary movies. Ha." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay well, breakfast is downstairs when your ready." He gets up and walks towards the door.

"Yeah" I pick up my glass of water and take a sip.

Patton's POV:

"Oh and good luck in your adultery." I hear him chock on his water as I close the door.

I'm not as innocent as I make myself appear you know.

Sofia's POV:

Me and Logan were eating breakfast while Patton went for Virgil and Princey. Patton comes back smiling.

"Prince is taking a shower. Virgil should be here any minute." He says as he sits down.

If he can even walk, that is.

I see a smile sneak its way on Logans lips.

"Hey guys." Virgil says as he walks, well more like limps into the kitchen. His voice worn out, and his body tensing with every step.

Roman must have gone hard on him.

"Indeed." Logan says as he studys Virgil's actions.

"Salutations, Virgil."

"Hey, kiddo. Why you walking funny?"

"Oh, uhh. I just slept crocket, so my hips kinda hurt." He said as he sat down. I noticed he was sitting to the side instead of sitting up straight. I couldn't help but smile as I held back my laughter. Roman comes in and sits next to Virgil.

"Greetings my fellow traits, what a great day. Is it not?"

"Not really." Virgil said in his usual deprecating voice.

Roman turn to him with a worried expression. "And why is that?"

"My hips hurt." He said barely looking at him.

"Is that the reason for the way you are seated?" He asks with a smirk.

"Maybe. Or maybe I just want to be closer to you." Roman looks away trying to hide his blush.

"Closer than last night?" I mummer as I take a sip of my orange juice. Virgil glares at me and kicks me under the table.


"Now, now kiddos. Play nice. There's no need to fight. Now Virgil, apologize to your sister." He said in his dad voice.

"Sorry dad." We said together. Everyone went silent.

"So who's the mom?" Roman said looking at Patton.

We all burst out laughing and finish our breakfast.

A/N: Sorry I took so long for a short chapter, but I didn't really know how write it in a way so that the next chapter makes since so it might get a little confusing later on. Sorry about that but, take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out! 💖

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