I don't even know

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Sofia's POV:

I rushed into the castle and into my room. Not that I needed to be here to do it but I can let my guard down in the castle and get privacy in my room.

"Where are you." I spoke to her.

"Take a look. Traitors at 12 o'clock looking to invade." She responded.

I closed my eyes and focused on her, feeling for her soul and looking for her shadow. I connected with her being and opened my eyes.

I saw 8 people walking into DarkLands territory. I recognized my brother and three of the girls immediately, coming to the conclusion that the rest was everyone else.

"So they've decided to pay a visit. You do anything yet?"

"I messed around with anxiety a bit. Almost got him but Princey pulled him back before I could. Your little burst of death back there got their attention, and I was bored so, I decided to have some fun." I laughed fondly at her. She's just like her father.

"Let them come, but make sure they get here safely. I know you can take care of yourself and I'm sure you can protect them just fine."

"Protect them? They're traitors. They should be killed. Tortured." She really is like him.

"We all do fucked up shit, Octavia. I know I haven't taught you mercy but I have taught you reason. They know little to nothing about our side of the story and are good people. I'm sure they can be reasoned with. Besides we can't exactly kill them without killing ourselves. They are basically Thomas after all." There was silence from her part. I figured she understood.

"Just introduce yourself and get them here safely. Got it." She huffed and agreed reluctantly.

I heard my door slam open and disconnected with my daughter, turning to see Deceit leaning heavily against the door frame with a fang filled smirk. Eyeing me with a hungry look.

"Back already?" He slurred.

"Drunk already?" I shot back. "Or are you high?"

He laughed his bone chilling laugh with such force he fell to his knees with one hand on the door. The door swung open further and he fell on his shoulder, rolling onto his back, he laughed harder.

"Both it is. How the fuck did you get drunk and high in.....20 minutes?!" He was about to answer when I decided I rather not know.

"Come on. It's not like you've never been both before. You forget why we fucked in the first place?" He said after dragging himself to the bed and crawled onto it. He turned around to lay on his back, keeping himself up on his elbows, still looking at me lustfully.

".......Molly and our extra hard special bottle?"

"You know me soooo well..." He said rolling his eyes and shaking his head with a smirk.

"Well I'm not drunk or high enough to deal with you right now sooooo I'ma go get me a bottle of that extra hard special drink, a plate of edibles and go have fun in the party lounge." I winked at him and left the room, hearing him whine after me.

"Don't leave meeeeeee.."

Octavia's POV:

I heard what sounded like a door opening before I no longer felt a connection. Seeing as our conversation was over I figured I might as well do what she said. She is my mother, and my queen not that that matters though, and I shouldn't disobey her. There IS NO reason for me to kill them. I mean they are traitors but then again who isn't....I sometimes wonder if I'm Logan's daughter and not Deceits.......WHATEVER! I sneak around them and decided to have just a little more fun with them. You can never go wrong with scaring someone am I right or am I right?

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