Do it (part 2)

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Michelle's POV:

I stared in horror. That was Shadow. The most dangerous and powerful demon in Thomas's mind. He controls all of Thomas's fears, evil thoughts, bad actions, and harmful speaking. Not only does he feed off that, but he kills anything and everything he can in imagination to snack on their blood. It gives him strength and power and he'll do anything to get as much as he can.

Was he Sofia's curse? How could she survive such a monster? Did she work for him? Doesn't matter. I need to help her. I forced his hand open and shined a ray of sun light at him burning his skin. Sofia fell to her knees and gasped for air. Her pale face gaining a bit of color.

The only warning I got was a demonic shriek, before I was thrown head first, against a brick wall. I fell to the floor on my side. I felt something warm on the side of my face. Contrast to the cool wind of the night. I opened my eyes tiredly. Everything was blurry. I could barely make out four bodies running closer, before everything went black.

Sofia's POV:

My ears were ringing, my body was numb, and my vision was blurry. I still struggled to catch my breath, but I somehow manage to stand. I take two steps before falling back onto my knees, braced with both arms. My vision slowly clears as I look up. My vision finally focusses and my eyes go wide.

I see Michelle on the floor bleeding heavily from a head injury, surrounded by Logan, Roman, Patton, and Virgil.

"What did you do?" My voice weak and cracked.

"You ordered me to kill you and she is interfering. I simply made her incapable of doing so."

"By killing her." Anger was clear in my voice.

"I haven't killed her...yet. I still have to finish with you." He grabbed me once again by the neck pulled me up. " And once I'm finished with her, I'mma have a nice long, fun, relaxing, week having my way with the main sides."

I don't know what came over me, but the thought of anyone getting hurt because of me. I wasn't gonna let that happen. My eyes started to burn. I was shaking with the sudden adrenaline that surged though my body. I grabbed his wrist, twisted it, and punch his elbow in. He shrieked in pain. Dropping me, he took a step back to examine his arm. It was bent the opposite way with three broken fingers. He shrieked again in anger. His arm then faded, reforming back into a proper arm.

He suddenly grabbed my shadow and yanked it, pulling me along with it. I slide across the ground on my back with my hands behind my back. The dead grass scratching and cutting into my skin. I end up hitting my side with one of the swing set poles. Definitely breaking a few ribs.

The wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't move. I gasped and coughed as I tried to lessen the pain of my broken bones. I could barely breathe. The sound of the others voices was almost non-existent to my bleeding ears. I knew they couldn't get out without me, but I was too weak to summon the door or win a fight against him.

I lift my head to try and talk to him, but instead I see Roman with his sword standing protectively between him and Logan, Patton, Virgil, and Michelle. Virgil was having a panic attack and Patton was crying while Logan tried to stop Michelle's bleeding.

Fuck. Michelle's bleeding onto the grass. That's why he's so strong. He's collecting her blood.

Once I had caught my breathe, I felt an immense amount of energy. I felt half as much pain, and my vision was perfect. Like if I was in broad daylight.

But it's midnight. I can only see like this when I have black eyes. Virgil's eyes must have turned black because of his panic attack. Whatever. I can't fight him if his feeding off Michelle's blood.

I summon a door next to them and opened it. None of them noticed except Shadow.

"Oh look. An open door to the mindscape. How convenient." They all turned to the door and started at it confused.

"Is no one going to use it? Well then, I guess I'll just use it then." He vanished and appeared in front of the door in a second. He walked in and looked around.

"This isn't the mindscape, you tricked me." I slammed the door shut before he could move.

I instantly summoned the actual door to the mindscape in front of  Roman and walked up to them.

"Hurry. Before he gets here." I opened the door, then went to Virgil to calm him down. When Virgil had calmed down, he asked me where I had sent him to.

"An isolated realm, where he can't gain power." I helped Patton to stop crying and I stood up to carry Michelle to her room.

I felt my eyes change and the pain of my broken ribs was suddenly clear. I cried out and fell to my knees. I supported my body off the ground with one hand, as the other wrapped around my torso.

"Sofia! Sofia what's wrong?" I felt gentle hands on my body. They felt around until landing on my sides. I groaned, tucking my head in, in an attempt to minimize the pain.

"She broke her ribs. Roman you carry Michelle. Logan tell me how to hold her without hurting her more. Virgil help me."

Logan carried on with explaining and soon enough I was carried to my room and being gently laid on my bed.

Roman's POV:

I carried Michelle to her room and and currently wrapping her head in a bandage. Suddenly my sister burst through the door.

"What happened? Why is she bleeding? Is Sofia okay?" I was bombarded with questions. I tried my best to answer them all while trying to calm her down.

"She hit her head, but she's fine now."

"Where's Sofia? Is she hurt? Was is Shadow? 'Cause I saw that she was carrying a red skull bottle, which she only carries when dealing with that creature!"


Love picked up the last of skulls in Sofia's weapon room. A hologram of a black bottle with red skulls appeared in it's place. Love stared at it, thinking of the posible reasons for Sofia to be carrying such an evil object.

" Love you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

Love placed the skull back where it was and turned to face his brother with a bright smile.


"How did you know?"

"Where is she!"

"In her room." She was gone before I could say anything else.

I checked on Michelle one last time and then made my own way to Sofia's room.

I walked in on Logan wrapping Sofia's torso. The bandages already stained with blood. I walked up to Virgil who was sitting on the edge of the bed and laid a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

He turned his head to see who it was, leaning back on me when he saw it was me. I kissed his head, letting him hug my arms. Once Logan was done, he went to sit with Patton on the arm chair she had in her room.

We all stayed like this for a while before Liv stood up and left room. Coming back minutes later with Deceit.

A/N: That took way longer than expected. Sorry for the wait.
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!💖

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