She's waiting...

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Sofia's POV:

I raced Deceit to the castle, enjoying the cold wind blowing in my face. I was always a few feet ahead of him. Poor thing too slow to catch up. When we finally made it to the kingdom's walls he let out a huff and whined like the sore loser he is.

"You totally cheated." He complained.

"Now, now Deceit. Don't you lie to me. You know better than that. You can lie to the others but not me." I sent him a stern look as I unmounted my horse, smirking afterwards when he pouted mumbling quiet sorry and got off his own horse. I smiled and walked up to him slowly and held his face gently in my hands, staring into his beautiful snake eye.

"It's okay, freak. I know you're a sore loser." I tease before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Whatever. I just want to go inside. Hurry in when you're finished okay. She really wants to see you." He walks up to the castle after giving me a another quick peck. Not giving the people around him a second glance. If anything he just stares them down, making his victim coward in fear and run away. I watched him disappear into the castle, doors closing behind him. I wanted to go in as well, but I had to get everything back in order. I've been gone for a while.

Virgil's POV:

I changed back into my normal clothes and waited for the others to changed. I wonder what Roman looks like. Black is not his color... he'll most likely look like evil Roman fan art. What will Patton look like..... probably how he looked like in our phases video. But you know, without the bracelets. Logan? Same clothes just black jeans instead of blue, and no tie. The girls look the same except Olivia. Not sure what she'll look like. I guess just full on black.


We're walking through the forest, still in LightLands, and I was right. They wore exactly what I thought they would. They are so predictable.

"So how far is the Death Castle anyway?" I asked looking around at the many forest animals.

"It's about 12 miles of forest. 2 miles Dark and 10 miles light. Another 5 miles of clear land between the mountains where monsters usually reside in and finally 10 miles until you reach Death Kingdom. We've walked for about 2 miles so about 25 miles from here." Michelle said with a shrug.

"25 MILES! I AM NOT WALKING 25 MILES! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?" What the fuck were they thinking? 25 miles.

"We don't have to walk the whole way there. Once we reach the DarkLands there should be four horses waiting for us." Olivia added.

"Four? We are eight." Logan said tearing his eyes away from Patton who was running around, greeting animal after animal that walked up to him. He kinda looked like a male snow white in black.

"We each have our personal horse in the DarkLands for whatever and whenever we need. Courtesy of Sofia. And, if we are lucky, you will also have a personal -"

" this supposed to be like this...?" Patton asked slowly. He was too far ahead to see him. He sounded scared but not in danger.

Logan immediately rushed to his side. The rest of us making our way slightly slower. That is until we heard a short yell from him that we broke into run.

We ran in, to see Logan holding Patton protectively, both staring fearfully at a circle of what could only be described has black death. It was pitch black at the center and faded as it spread out. Everything that was in it was rotten or dried to a crisp. It crawled up a tree that had a deep hole the size of a hand and cracks all throughout the trunk of a tree. The bottom of it was rotten and still spreading further up. It looked like it would fall over at the slightest touch. There was an apple at the very edge of it. Half rotten and caved it, half red and perfect to eat.

"It's a circle of death." Roman said breathlessly. I just stared into it. I don't know why but I felt attracted to it was calling me...

"It magic. Black magic... Sofia must have done this. She is the only one with it." "Why would she do this?" "It looks like a burst of energy. Sofia was to angry to control.......break.....dangerous..." Her words became more and more distant. Fading away until it was nothing but a quiet mumbling. A soft humming sounding over it.

I couldn't take my eyes off it. The pitch black darkness of it was so beautiful. So...enchanting. It was slowly growing bigger. I could see something in the center of it. Someone. Someone I recognized, but didn't remember. The beautiful humming of a female ringed loudly in my head. As it gets closer I can see her face more clearly. She calls out to me, holding her hand out. Asking me to join her, to be with her once again. I reach out for her, my fingers just barely entering the circle and I can already feel the coolness of her hand on my finger tips.....just one more step.........

"VIRGIL!!!" I was suddenly yanked back. Away from her and away from her hand. I was blind with anger and hate. All I saw was black.

Everything was quiet when the light reappeared into my view. My heart dropped. In front of me, about 5 feet away, Roman was at the base of a tree, on the floor, holding the back of his head. Pain clear on his face. Olivia, Patton and Logan checking him over.

"Oh my gosh! Roman are you okay?!" I rushed to my boyfriend but stopped short when he flinched back. A look of fear on his face. Fear on everyone's face. They looked at me in fear.

Did I do that?

"You don't remember?" Logan stared at me in confusion. I slowly shook my head. They all looked at each other before Patton spoke.

"You hissed at Roman and pushed him into a tree. Your eyes were black. Do you really not remember?" "I-I what?" "What is the last thing you remember?" Michelle asked softly. Walking up to me with her hands in front of her to show she meant no harm.

"I- I remember a-a woman. She was humming....I recognized her...I just don't remember why." I glanced back at the death circle. Nothing. She was gone and silent.

I shook my head and helped Roman up. Apologizing again until he assured me that he was fine. I still felt bad though.

"We should leave before another unfortunate event occurs." Logan suggested.

We agreed and continued our way to the DarkLands. I lingered behind everyone still feeling extremely guilty. I just know I could have avoid this....and that it could have been much worse. I'm stronger than I look and if that tree were any closer.....I would have killed him. I glanced one last time at the rotting tree.

Where did she go?

??? POV:

I watched the traitor be called by the prince. He was gentle with my victim, they talked low and touched softly, almost intimately. My cold blood boiled with rage. My father's words were true, but not for long.

I jumped off the tall tree I was hiding in, purposely breaking a twing to create noise before running closer to a tree next to them; exposing my black figure just enough to grab their attention.

"Who goes there?" The disgustingly royal voice of prince pompous called out to me in a commanding manner. I could see a small bit of fear begin to radiate off him and everyone else with my red eye, peeking from the tree I was hiding behind.

"Let's just keep going, probably just an animal." Pretty, pink, princess gone sour suggested. I guess you could call me that.

I followed quietly, breaking a stick or two until we reached the DarkLands. Time for the real fun.

Sofia's POV:

"She's gone!" I turned sharply at the knight that ran my way.

"What? Who's gone?" I asked. The knight looked at me with fear and worry. Almost afraid to tell me.

"Your daughter, your majesty."

A/N: Sorry that took so long. Here's a plot twist as an apology.
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!💖

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