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Roman's POV:

I followed Sofia close behind not wanted to be alone and lost in the forest. She started running faster and I suddenly lost sight of her. I kept running straight, stopping just outside of the forest. In front of me was a beautiful kingdom.

I could here laughing, polite conversations, and the many noises of the people's pets. I saw children running and playing with said pets. Men helping women with their things, giving them flowers and kissing the back of their hands. Flowers and trees stood high and happy on the sidelines. The trees offering bright red apples to those who please. Every house was big but humble. All a light color and perfectly made. There was compacted, dirt path, that ran through the middle of it all, leading to the castle. The castle had pink walls with baby blue pillers. The windows were glass murals of what I assume to be past and present rulers. In the front of it, it has two windows. On the left side was Love. She was wearing her pink and blue dress, and on the right side was what appeared to be Love, but this one was wearing a green and white gown dress, and red eyes.

I made my way to the castle. People bowed to me and looked at me with respect. They must know I'm royalty. The sound of galloping horses caught my attention. I walked towards it to the side of the castle.

There was at least 10 horses, racing through a maze and trees, bushes, people, and animals.

Some racers had to be experienced, they dodged, passed, and avoided all obstacles, while others crashed into trees, ran over bushes, and even the people and animals! Luckily they made with magic. All that happened was they vanished into a mist of pink fog.

One racer in particular though, was amazing. They wore white armor, instead of grey. They were ahead of all the others. Commanded their horse so perfectly, it seemed to fly over the course. They ended flawlessly, and the crowd cheered. Clapping and throwing roses to the winner.

"Please, please. Now more flowers. Keep them for your loved ones. I need no more than the ones in my garden." They announced to the crowd. That voice. Is that...?

"Roman! Brother!" The rider jumped off their horse, their armor disappearing, to reveal that it was, in fact my sister.

She wrapped her arms around me, trapping me in a crushing hug. I hugged back the best could. She was surprisingly strong.

"You're here!" She yelled letting go of me. I winched at the sudden change of volume next to my ear.

"Yes. And I'm amazed by your riding skills. Not even the best of knight in my kingdom ride as perfect as you." She smiled and started pulling me towards a horse.

"Come on. Race with me."

"I would, but I am afraid I have no armor."

"Don't worry. This land is based on magic. See." She jumped on her horse and the armor she previously had on, appeared once again on her body. She gestured to horse next to me.

It stared at me skeptically, not recognizing me. Palace horses are trained to obey only trustworthy riders/knights.

"Hey. You can trust me. I'm Love's brother. A prince." I ran my fingers through it's soft hair gently. It's stare turned into a gaze. I had it's trust.

I smiled and stood beside it, carassing it's back for a moment before mounting it. A male version of Love's armor appearing on my body.

It fit me perfectly and I could move freely, unlike the ones in my realm. It was so beautiful you could instantly tell the person wearing it was royalty.

"That is amazing. Now how do I know you didn't give me a slow horse?" I joked.

"The horse connects with you through magic. It goes as fast, and does whatever, you want it to go or do. So the rider isn't held back by their horse." Love explained. I could see a small smirk on her face.

"Well then, who ever wins the race is truly a better rider. No hard feeling to whoever wins?"

"Of course not. Besides, I've been riding since I was five. I doubt I'm going to lose."

"Prove it then."

~time skip~

Loved finished almost a whole minute before me!

"Consider my point proved!" Love yelled over the cheering voices as I reached the finish line.

"How! I am the best rider of all the land!" I yelled.

"In all of your land. Not ours." A female voice said from behind me.

I turned and saw the same women from the mirror mural in the green dress standing there. Her voice was familiar but I haven't seen her before.

"What? Don't tell me you don't recognize me." She smirked. That smirk...

"Sofia!?" It hit me like a train. She looked so elegant. She looked completely different in the opposite colors of her own. So nice and graceful. Great contrast to her mean and intimidating usual self.

"You bet princess." She slapped my horses butt making me feel it as well.

"Sofia. Behave." Love warned.

Sofia rolled her eyes fondly and walked to the castle.

"Would you like to go on a walk through my gardens. It's most beautiful during sunset." Love offered me.

"I would love to."

We unmounted our horses and headed to the castle. Love gave me a quick tour of her truly beautiful castle, and we went to he gardens just in time for the sun to set.

~time skip~

"Well that truly was a magnificent time. I'll make sure to stop by again." I say my good-bye's to Love and Sofia and head back to awaiting Virgil.

Love's POV:

"How are things in the Darklands? Everything falling apart?" I ask.

"Yep. Had to kill about 40 people just to keep them with in the kingdom walls. But everyone's still getting rapped, killed, stolen, kidnapped, and cursed so you know, the usual." Sofia shrugged and I nodded.

"Oh, and we need more food." She added.

"Ok. I'll make sure to have my mages grow enough of non perishable food for a year or so, and have my knights take it."

"No. I don't want to kill the few knights you have. I'll use my shadows."

"Alright. Goodnight Sofi."

"G'night Liv"

"G'night Liv"

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A/N: Meh
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!💖

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