You Love Her, Right?

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Olivia dragged Deceit into Sofia's room.

"You see Deceit? She did this because she loves you, and all you do is hurt her." Olivia's voice was gentle. Trying a soft approach to him.

"I wanted this to happen." His sorrowful face made it clear that he was lying.

He had seen her unconscious many times before and felt nothing, but this time...this time he felt sad and scared, but still hopeful that she'll get through it. He felt worried.

"You love her, right? Then why do you treat her so badly?"

Just as he was about to answer, the door swings open and a girl in black and yellow clothing storms in and slaps Deceit on the left side of his face. Deceit fumbling to gain back his footing.

"Is this what you wanted? Huh? For her to get herself killed?" Anger was clear in her voice.

"Ashley? Wh-what are you - when did you get here?" Deceit's vision was rather blurry from having his sister slap him. His scales are sensitive, and he can already feel the blood flowing through the crevices.

Well that's gonna be a bitch to clean. Deceit thought.

"Answer me."

"Yes. I wanted Sofia to get hurt." Deceit lied.

"Not her dumbass! You think I care about her? I mean Michelle! Who is currently in her room with a concussion. Who would otherwise have a broken skull and brian damage if I hadn't fixed it." She raised her right hand, which was glowing a dark blue.

"She didn't want to help. Besides Michelle was the only one to get hurt." Deceit argued.

"Michelle actually has people that care if she dies or not. Sofia? I doubt people would even notice she's gone. Much less care." Ashley's face was serious with no hint of guilt or regret.

Everyone was enraged. Logan's face showed anger and hatred, Roman's red narrowed eye's locked onto her like those of a predator, Patton was bacisically boiling, and Virgil was glaring so hard you'd think lazers would shoot from them.

"I agreed to share her with you because she was happy, but I'm going to stand back and let you kill her. She's mine now, and you can no longer have her." Ashley turned to leave. Ignoring the glares.


"Don't confuse love with lust." Her words left Deceit quite. She left the room without another word from anyone.

~two weeks later~

Deceit's POV:

I. Fucked. Up.

Not only did I piss off my sister and lose Michelle, Olivia also cut me off because she knew that what I felt for was not romantic love, but platonic. She even took Ivy from me. I mean I know they're a couple but you would think Logan's sister would capable enough of leaving me herself. Instead of being forced to.

Ok that's a lie. But damn, you cause someone to attempt suicide and now everyone hates you.

They don't even care about her. They acknowledge her because they share a trait but they don't care...not like I do. Ugh I'm so stupid! It shouldn't of gone this far. I love her! All I wanted to make her stronger, because I know that one day they'll get tired of acting nice and just leave her. Alone...sad...scared...just how I was...

Sofia's POV:

I've been in my room for two weeks and I can literally feel the strength leaving my body. I woke up two days after the incident. I can stand up and move, but Patton threatened me with locking me in the bathroom if I even tried to stand, unless it was for bathroom purposes. Virgil comes and talks with me. Keeps my mind off things. Roman keeps me busy by helping him with video ideas and brainstorming surprises for Virgil. Logan stops by once in a while for check ups and making sure my body doesn't fail me from the sudden stop of excercise. Something about disrupting it's routine...idk. None of the girls have visited me, except Liv. She only came in once tho. Just to see if I was alive.

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