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Patton's POV:

I align my hips with his and start to grind on him. We both moan at the burst of pleasure from our rubbing members. He places his hands on my hips pushing me forward. I place my hands on his chest as I lean down to his neck, sucking and kissing my way up to his lips. He moans at every suck, tightens his grip at every kiss, and grows harder with every trust.

"You like that?" I ask with my dad voice knowing it drove him nuts.

Logan's POV:

I moaned loudly in response. His father voice was so deep and smooth. Stern and commanding, yet warming and trustful... just overall sexy. I crash my lips with his and continue our passionate make out session. That is until knocking was heard from my door.

"Ignore it." I say was we continued to kiss. The knocking got louder and more rapid.

Patton unstraddled my lap with a groan and walked to the door. I laid back on my elbows as he opened the door.

Roman's POV:

"What do you want?" Patton asked rather aggressively.

His face and lips were red. His hair was messy, and glasses were crocked. I looked into the room to see Logan with a similar appearance laid on the bed. His legs hanging off as he rested on his elbows.

"Sorry to interrupt. But there's something you need to see." Logan sits up with a curious and concerned look on his face. Patton turns to him and sighs.

"We'll be there in a minute." Patton says closing the door.

"Actually. You need to come now." I push on. Logan stands and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Very well, but this better be worth it."

They close door behind them and I walk them to the end of the hall. I notice them stop dead in their tracks as soon as they see it. There at the very end, was a yellow door with green swirls and a black knob... it was Deceits door.

"No." Patton looked on the verge of tears.

"Why?" Logan seemed to be worried, scared, and confused.

"I don't know. I was hopping you could tell me." I looked at Logan who kept staring at the door.

"Do-does Virgil know?" Patton said finally looking away from the door. I shake my head.

"No. He is sleeping. I got up to get something to drink when I saw it. Sofia doesn't know either." Logan turns to look at me.

"They can't know. Virgil can't go through that again. I will destroy him. And Sofia... who knows what he will do to her.... What he will do to us." Patton hugs Logan's arm and hides his face in his chest.

Okay. Let me fill you in. When Anxiety first appeared, he appeared with Deceit. They were best friends. They helped each other, Deceit would help Anxiety lie, and Anxiety would help Deceit not be afraid to lie. You know perfect duo... untill Anxiety started to become accepted. Anxiety hung out with Patton and Logan instead of Deceit, leaving Deceit to fight for himself, suffer by himself... turn on himself. You see Deceit wasn't always half snake. No. He was normal. Looked just like everyone else. But that all changed when he did what no one expected.

"How dare you. How dare you leave me for them. After everything I did for you." Deceits eyes starting turning yellow as he cornered Anxiety into his room.

"I-I-I'm sorry." Anxiety was terrified by his eyes. Not to mention he knew what came next.

"You want to leave? Go ahead. But I'll give you a reason to leave."

Deceit grabs Anxiety's arm and slams him against the wall. Anxiety's back facing him. Deceit pushes himself against Anxiety and whispers in his ear.

"You can leave me, but you'll never forget me."

You can assume what happened next. This happened for about a month. He even made Anxiety a virgin after every night so it hurt every time. Deceit keeping Anxiety's mouth shut, and lying about anything being wrong between them. But he couldn't hide the terrified stares Anxiety gave him and the panicked attacks he had when around him. The others noticed this and decided to find out themselves. Logan put to-and-to together and hid a camera in Anxiety's room. The next day they were devastated to see what was happening to their friend. Logan was shocked, Patton was sobbing, and Roman was pissed. Roman stomped out the room looking for Deceit, his sword drawn. He threatened him to leave Anxiety alone or else. Deceit just laughed in his face and walked away. And that night... Roman wished he had stayed quiet. He didn't harass him, but Roman did have a couple new scars the next day. Deceit then went for Logan, messing with his mind making Logan hurt himself instead of hurting him. Deceit then became touchy with Patton, touching more than the day before. Deceit became more snake with every person he hurt. After months of this Deceit just... disappeared. He was gone, his door was gone, his things were gone, it was like he was never there. It was about a year later that Sofia arrived. They told her nothing about him. He was gone. She didn't need to know.

"I won't let him touch you again. I promise." Logan hugs Patton tightly, resting his chin on Patton's head.

Patton starts sobbing into Logan's shoulder. Logan lets out a shaky breath closing his eyes. If they were this bad, imagine Virgil. Just the thought of it brought tears to my eyes. Virgil, my love, my life, my happiness, my everything, having a panicked attack because of him. Because of someone that doesn't deserve to be in this world. I promise on my life, I will NOT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HIM AGAIN.

~time skip~next day~

Sofia's POV:

I woke with a feeling that I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt happy, yet sad. Calm, yet enraged. Alive, yet dying. I felt like a ticking time bomb. Like even the slightest, most unreasonable thing, would set me off. But I only feel this way when... no.

Virgil's POV:

I woke in my room. Snuggled up into Roman's chest. Just like I did every morning. But today felt different. I didn't feel safe like I always do. I had this gut feeling that something was wrong. That something is gonna happen, and my gut is never wrong. I sat up waking up Roman.

"Morning darling." Roman's morning voice was so hot.

"Hey." I turn over laying down again and kissing his lips.

"What's wrong? You seem, uneasy." Roman says pulling back from the kiss. Of course he would notice.

"It's nothing. I just have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen." Roman tenses. Now I know somethings up.

"Virgil, believe me when I say this. I won't let anything happen to you." He takes my hand and holds it tight, a determined look in his eyes.

"What are you-" I was cut off by a loud crash. We both jump at the sound of breaking plates.

"What was that?" I ask still getting over the shock.

"I don't know."

Roman jumps out of bed and rushes out of my room. I follow him close behind. We enter the kitchen and I stop dead in my tracks. There he was. Standing leaning in the counter like he owned the place. He eyed at Patton a few feet away. Patton had broken glass at his feet, must have dropped the plates when he saw him. Logan was standing at the table, ready to defend him. Deceit looked my way and smirked. I froze. My body was completely unresponsive, I stopped breathing.

"Virgil, it's so good to see you again." He voice was just how I remember it. Deep, slow, and utterly terrifying.

A/N: Well that was dark.
Take it easy gays, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out! 💖

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