31 - Ooo They Salty

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Cardi was getting ready for her show, she's been missing Nicki the club hasn't really been that fun without her but Rihanna makes up for it.

Chyna: yeah I gave him pussy for it and he actually hit her

Chyna whispered to Keri as they walked in the dressing room. Cardi's ears perked up hearing what Chyna did, she knew she planned it. Chyna and keri spotted Cardi but thought that she didn't hear because she didn't turn around, so they weren't worried. 

K: thats crazy

They left the conversation as that and then Rihanna came through. She looked at Chyna and Keri and just rolled her eyes at them. Cardi immediately got up.

C: hey it's ma bitch! how ya' doin? good? good! lemme show ya' something!

she said dragging her out the room. Rihanna was confused as hell as to why Cardi was acting like this. Cardi took her to the bathroom and Rihanna started to get a smirk on her face thinking she wanted some.

R: what's going on?

C: I know who did that to Nicki

R: who?

she said in a serious tone forgetting what she thought was gonna happen in the first place

C: It was that bitch Chyna, she set it up. she had a guy hit Nicki all for some weak ass pussy

Rihanna couldn't beleive it. She knew Chyna was jealous of B and Nicki's relationship but she didn't know she could stoop that low to hurt the woman she apparently wanted to be with. When she snapped out of her thoughts cardi was still rambling on and Rihanna saw her eyes get watery.

C: How could a bitch stoop that low? why? why would she do that? Nicki may not have wanted her but that don't give her no right to-GCO

Cardi got cut off by Rihanna kissing her. it was a simple kiss but it shup Cardi up. When Rihanna pulled away Cardi just looked at her with a surpised facial expression.

C: What was that for?

R: To get you to shut up and also because i like you

Cardi smiled and put her hand to her chest like she was surprised.

C: you like me?

R: We'll have this conversation later but right now we need to tell B

C: right lets go baby

Rihanna laughed and shook her head as she followed her out her room. They went outside the club and Cardi called B.

B: Hello?

C: Bitch we found who hurt Nicki, and when I say you'll be mad I know when you get here steam gon' be coming out your ears.

b: who did it?

she said in a serious tone

C: Chyna

B: I'm coming

She ended the call and Cardi and Rihanna just looked at each other

C: Some shit about to go down

R: Mhm


N: B be careful

B: I will I got this. I'm gonna kill the bitch

N: you can't kill her i don't want you in jail

B: I can throw the body away no one will care nobody will be looking for her ragedy ass, okay I need to go, I'll be back as soon as i can

Nicki nodded and kissed her goodbye and watched her walk out. She prayed B wouldn't get hurt.


B pulled up to the strip club and saw Rihanna and cardi in the front waiting for her. 

B: where is she?

She asked as they walked in the club. b saw her performing on stage so she ran on stage and started fighting her. Everyone started cheering but Beyoncé was ripping Chyna's weave out and ragging her across the floor.

B: You bitter, ugly ass bitch! you think you'd get away with hurting my girl?!

B beat her even after she started seeing that Chyna was bleeding from her face. Security had to pull Beyoncé off of her and she left Chyna just laying there on the floor.

B: how does it feel bitch?! how does it feel?! I bet you gon' think twice before messing with me and my girl again, if you try and play me one more time you gon' be dead I don't fucking care ugly ass!

She shouted over her. Beyoncé got escorted out the club and rihanna and Cardi followed her out.

C: Damn B I didn't think you had it in you

B: mess with my girl and you gon' see a whole different side of me. I'm not playing with her, she come at me again she gon' lose her life and that's a promise

R: go back to your girl we got it from here, we'll tell you if anything happens

B: alright and thanks for telling me guys i appreciate it

C: welcome see you girl

B: bye guys

Beyoncé got in her car and wen back home.

When she got home she locked the door and she went back upto see Nicki and she was in bed just watching TV. Nicki heard her come in and was thankful she looked okay. 

N: so what happened?

B: I made that bitch bleed so she knows not to mess with me or you again

n: oooo my baby bad

beyoncé chuckled and laid between her legs laying her head down on nicki's stomach. Nicki smiled as she ran her fingers through Beyoncé's locks. 

N: thank you baby

B: no problem I wasn't gonna let her get away with it

Nicki smiled and showered her with kisses

N: i love you honeybun

B: i love you too sweet cheeks

Nicki giggled and they had a nap


Cardi had just gotten off the stage but saw Rihanna as she was about to walk out. cardi grabbed her hand making Rihanna look at her. 

C: hey

R: hey, you looked great out there

C: thanks, so we gonna talk about earlier?

she asked smirking, she had a feeling Rihanna liked her but when she finally kissed her and confessed her feelings Cardi's likeness for her increased in the same way.

R:yeah but we can't right here. i don't want people upin my business

C: well lets go to your house and talk

she said seductively, Rihanna smirked and held her hand as they walked out to Rihanna's car.


What did you think of this chapter?

What did you think of Beyoncé beating Chyna's ass?

What did you think of Rihanna kissing and finally confessing her feelings for Cardi?

What should happen next?


P.S. I'm sorry if you every read an unfinished chapter of mine. wattpad be playing with me, I'll do a full chapter and "save" it then i'll go back to publish it but will give me a clean blank page🤬

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