32 - Baby Love

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Nicki went downstairs after hearing something from outside for the past hour. she opened the door and looked down and saw a baby in a car seat crying, making Nicki gasp.

 she opened the door and looked down and saw a baby in a car seat crying, making Nicki gasp

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Nicki immediately picked up the car seat and brought the baby girl inside. She was screaming with tears running down her face making Nicki's heartache. She picked up the baby and started bounce it gently so she doesn't scare her but calm her down.

N: hey hey little ladybug don't cry... aww I'm so sorry I didn't come out to get you sooner, you're freezing.

She cooed as she rubbed the baby's back calming her down.

Nicki noticed a note in the car seat, and she picked it up and read it.

'Dear owner of the house,

I'm sorry to do this, but I couldn't. I'm 16 and got kicked out of my house and I can't provide for my baby girl. I'm hoping you can be a great and loving parent to her and give her everything she needs and wants. Maybe someday in the future, I could reconnect with her and can explain myself but for now, i have nothing to offer her. I hope you can take care of her.

From Alexis'

There was a letter to the baby underneath but the baby was getting fussy so Nicki put the note down and focused back on the baby. A few seconds later Beyonceé came down the stairs in her robe rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She saw Nicki holding a baby and her eyes went wide in surprise.

B: Um... where did the baby come from?

N: it was left outside for like an hour I've only now just come down and found her. She freezing.

B: Awww poor baby

N: the mom wrote a letter it's in the car seat.

Beyoncé went to go read it while Nicki could smell something funky, she sniffed near the baby and knew she had done the dirty.

N: are there any diapers in the bag?

Beyoncé looked and passed her one.

B: that's the only one

Nicki sighed

N: I'll have to go to the store and get some and some food for her, she's probably starving poor thing.

She said as she laid the baby flat on the table and prepared to change her. She opened her diaper to see the most disgusting mess ever, making Nicki scrunch her face up and hold her nose.

N: oh Jesus

She said as she quickly removed it and wiped her and then placing a new diaper on her ready for her to change into. Once she changed her she wrapped her up in her blanket and rocked her since she was quiet she was hoping she'd go to sleep now.

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