38 - Growing

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S: mama!

Summer (4 years old) said as she opened her parents door to their room. She saw them sleeping and smiled as she ran and climbed up on their bed.

S: mamas. Wake up!

She said plopping in the middle of them. She stood up on the bed while stumbling but balanced herself eventually. She picked the cover up and moved it to the end of the bed.

Beyoncé turned on her back and woke up.

S: mama!

She said excitedly as she went back to Beyoncé and sat on her stomach.

B: goodmorning princess

S: hi mommy!

B: you ready for school today?

S: ummmm.... mommy what's school again?

Bey chuckled as she sat up making Summer lay back on her legs.

B: school is where you go to learn

S: ooooooh... then yes!

Beyoncé giggled and heard Nicki move next to her making her look down at her. Nicki opened her eyes to  just see Beyoncé's hip in front of her. She looked up and saw her two babies making her smile.

S: morning mommy

N: morning sweetie.

She said sitting up and kissed her cheek. Her and Beyoncé kissed each other good morning.

N: morning babe

B: morning. You ready to take this munchkin to school

N: mhm let's go

They got out of bed and bathed Summer and got her ready and Beyoncé did her hair. Once they were all ready Nicki wanted to take some pictures of summer before she went for her first day of school.

N: smile baby

Summer did a huge smile showing all her teeth making her parents laugh.

N: B get one with her then I will

Beyoncé nodded and took a picture with summer and then Nicki did the same.

They had breakfast and while they were eating Nicki uploaded the photo of her and summer to Instagram and captioned it. "My baby's first day of school!😩 i can't with her cuteness😭😍😍" Rihanna commented "my niecey Pooh has grown up too quick😩she need to be a baby again". Cardi commented "imma teach my baby Spanish😁coolest kid I know!💕"

Once they were done with breakfast they got into the car with summer in her car seat strapped in. Once they pulled up to the school they got out and walked Summer into the school to see her classroom and teacher.

They walked in and greeted her teacher and then turned to Summer.

B: alright baby we gotta go now

S: where we going?

B: not you baby. Me and mama,  you gotta stay here and learn.

S: but.... but I don't want you to go

She said getting tears in her eyes. Nicki knew this would happen and it made her upset. She looked at B but her face was telling Nicki they had to leave Summer here. Nicki sighed.

N: we'll be back to pick you up baby. It's only gonna be for a little while. And you get to make friends here and you get to be smart. Don't you want that?

Summer looked down as she pouted. She wanted friends her age but she wasn't used to being without her parents.

S: I do. I just don't want you to leave

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