36 - Foreva

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R: Babe come on

C: I hurry my ass up when I want to. Ain't nobody rushing me! I can take my own damn car!

Rihanna huffed as she heard Cardi rant as she followed her out the house. She knew she was cranky she she hasn't had anything to eat so she drove her to McDonald's. They cued in the drive-thru and Cardi spoke up.

C: Why we here?

R: So you can calm that ass down and eat. I know you hungry.

C: So you think I wanna get bloated before I strip?! you want me to embarrass you and have bitches saying stuff like 'oh Rihanna loving a whale up in her bed'.

R: You're not a whale

C: hmmm you wouldn't know coz you always be all up in my pussy to notice.

Rihanna shook her head and didn't say anything. She ordered Cardi's favourite meal regardless of whether she'd eat it or not and got herself something as well. Rihanna parked in the parking lot and gave Cardi her food as she began to eat her's.

R: There... now we both gon be whales

Cardi couldn't help but form a smile on her face and started giggling. Rihanna has really proven herself to Cardi, they have been going strong even when Cardi gets out of control Rihanna has learned how to bring her back down to earth and Cardi is so glad that she found someone that has stuck with her regardless of how crazy she gets.

C: I love you

R: I love your crazy ass too

After they ate they drove to the strip club and got rady for their show.


When they were doing their hair Nicki walked in which shocked all the girls, but they ran to her and hugged the life out of her making her laugh.

?: what you doing back?

N: I just came to tell y'all that even though I'm healed and everything I won't be coming back here no more. I got a family i gotta take care of but I just thought I'd come tell y'all because y'all been my family since I started so y'all mean a lot to me, except for a select few of hateful bitches and fake ass bitches

They all looked at Keri and Chyna who were still at their seats. Chyna looked up and frowned.

C: Why y'all staring?! Y'all need to turn the fuck away

N: or what?

Nicki said as she squared her eyes at her. Nicki wanted to get her back so bad but she knew God is real so she knew he'd make her pay and if she was extra lucky, he'd let her watch.

C: Bitch... goodbye. say your goodbyes and go back to your fucked up family

she said as her words became a mumble but Nicki heard her and that set her off. She walked through the girls and over to her and got in her face making Chyna stand up.

N: say that shit louder!! Say that shit to my face you weak ass bitch! you couldn't even bring your little weak ass self to me to hit me yourself! your fake as fuck! if anything you fucked up!

C: I said go back to your fucked up family where your kid ain't even yours and she probably fucked up too!

Nicki saw black and went crazy. She punched chyna's face over and over and over again and slammed her body into the wall and kicked her in the stomach and dragged her across the room by her hair.

R: Nick she ain't worth it!

N: i wish you fucking would talk about my daughter one more fucking time bitch! don't have my daughter in your mouth when she can't defend herself hoe! she a fucking child the fuck!! i hope you ain't get the chance to have any kids you'd probs wouldn't take care of them anyways!! dumb ass bitch!!

She said as the girls pulled Nicki off of Chyna even if she was fighting herself off of them to get to her.

C: Nicki she ain't worth it boo. She's fucked up you don't need this you gotta family back home, they need you

Nicki calmed down after hearing that and putting Beyoncé and Summer into her mind. She hugged the girls goodbye and left the club while Chyna was just laid there in a bloody puddle with no one but Keri caring aout her.


Nicki walked into her house to see Beyoncé and Summer in the living room on Summer's play mat. Beyoncé was holding Summer up and she was stomping her little feet, making Beyoncé laugh. She turned to see Nicki and smiled.

B: hey how was it?

N: it was going great until Chyna wanna speak about Summer

B: how many times do I gotta beat a... you know what's... butt?

N: you don't have to because I did it just now

She said setting down her keys and purse and made her way over to them.

N: I don't know what she got against us so bad that she had to go through so much trouble to try to hurt us.

B: don't worry about it baby. Some people just ain't worth it and she's one of them. We got a beautiful baby to focus on so just forget about her she don't mean nothing.

Nicki nodded.

N: you're right. Well I'm gonna start dinner what do you want?

B: anything you can pick.

N: alright. I love you

She said pulling Beyoncé back to kiss her forehead.

B: I love you too

Nicki kissed summer's forehead and went to the kitchen to start dinner.


What did you think of this chapter?

What do you think of Rihanna's and Cardi's relationship?

What did you think of Nicki beating Chyna's ass one last time?

Do you think Chyna will come back?


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