52 - CRAZY

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?: Wash yourself! look at yourself you're so dirty!

Summer walked away from the boy shouting at her trying her hardest not to cry with her lip quivering.

Carly: Hey! leave her alone!

Carly said going all up in his face.

?: Look at her she's dirty!

Carly: She's not dirty, if anybody dirty around here it's you!

?: If you're her friend then you're dirty too! you might as well be her colour!

Carly gasped and pushed the boy over making him cry. Carly ran over to Summer and hugged her.

S: Why they keep saying that Carly? Am I really dirty?

C: No you're not Summer don't listen to him, he crazy

Summer nodded and hugged her back. Carly heard her name being called so they went to the teacher who was helping up the boy who she pushed over.

Teacher: Josh said you pushed him is that true?

Carly: Yeah

Teacher: Why did you push him?

Carly: Because he's a bully, he was calling Summer dirty because of her skin colour when she isn't!

She said with frustration as she crossed her arms. She didn't care if she got in trouble she remembered her mom saying to stand up for Summer next time she heard someone bullying her.

Teahcer: I'll be calling both of your parents, you both need to go to the principle's office.

Carly sighed and followed the teacher to the office and Summer felt scared again now that she was alone. She went to her classroom and sat in the book corner and stayed there till the end of break.


Rihanna and Cardi were at the mall since Rihanna wanted to treat Cardi to a shopping spree. While they were in the stores they got a call from Carly's school so Cardi accepted it.

C: Hello?

T: Hi is this Carly's mom?

C: Yes how can I help you?

T: Well Carly and a boy were involved in an altercation and as you may already know fighting is not tolerated at all so you have to come and pick her up.

C: oh, okay we'll be right there

T: Okay see you when you get here

C: oay bye

T: Bye

The ended the call and Rihanna was just finished paying for her things so they started walking out the Gucci store.

R: Who was that?

C: Carly's school, we need to go pick her up because she was in an altercation with a boy

R: That don't sound like Carly

C: I know but it might have something to do with Summer

R: Why Summer?

C: Youknow how she's been getting bullied at school, so I told Carly to be a good friend and stand up for her whenever she hears someone bullying her so this might be because of that

Rihanna nodded and they left the mall and drove to the school.


Cardi and Rihanna got out the car but as they were walking in they saw Beyoncé and Nicki.

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