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Author's note :
Hello and thank you for choosing my book to read! I will probably have slow upgrades but please bear with me. 😊 Enjoy 😊

"The results are in!" Allura yelled as all the paladins looked at the board. On the hologram where the results of the training.

Shiro - level 46
Pidge - level 34
Lance - level 33
Hunk - level 28
Keith - level 21

"Haha!' Lance laughed as he pointed to Keith. "I rank above you again mullet head!" Keith didn't look up, he just stared down at his feet. "Aww! Don't be sad little kitten!" Lance ran over and started stroking the top of Keith's head.

"Don't touch me!" Keith yelled and out of instinct flipped Lance over his shoulder.

"Oww!" Lance whined as he rubbed the back of his head.

Keithe glared down on Lance. "I'm going!" he yelled and ran out of the room.
Can't Lance just stop with his pointless teasing, its pissing me off! Keith thought to himself as he scoffed under his breathe. The automatic doors to Keith's room opened once he entered the pin.
I've had enough pretending ... Keith thought as he flung himself on the bed.


Lance groaned and shifted in his sleep. He slowly looked up at his eyes slowly opened. "Another sleepless night" he said aloud. He got up and started pacing around the room.
Why does Keith hate me so much? Can we ever make up? Can I even hope for a chance? Lance's questions whirled around in his mind. Suddenly, Lance heard something shuffling around outside his room. He crept over to the door, cold sweat running down his forehead. As he entered the pin to open the door, the shuffling moved down the corridor. Lance poked his head out and say the small figure of Keith. He signed in relief.
Good, its only Keith and not those low life Galra ... Lance thought and was about to call out to Keith. But what is he doing so late at night?
Lance crept out after Keith.
Keith slide in through the large doors of the training deck.
I'm sick of pretending! Keith though to himself.
Oh! He's just going to train so that he doesn't lag behind so much ... Lance thought to himself as he watched Keith grunt in pain.

"Level 158 - stage 14!" Keith yelled. acne gasped.
Level 158? Stage 14? He cant ever get up to level 40! Lance watched in horror as thirty metal dummies popped down. What are you thinking Keith! Your going to get yourself killed! Lance was about to pop up and yell at Keith as one of the dummies launched themselves at Keith. He dodged and with his bayard, struck the back of the dummy, making it fizz up and stop moving.
Lance didn't say anything as he watched Keith beat down the dummies, one by one, and dodge all there attacks. Even Shiro was still fighting with tin dummies.

After Keith beat the last of the dummies, the simulation stopped.
"Level 158 - Stage 14 completed. Level 159 - Stage 1 training start" the simulation said. Another thirty dummies popped down, this time wearing more armour and extra weapons. The first dummy launched it self at Keith, which lead to a whole mob of other dummies to spring at Keith.

"Simulation, stop!" Lance shouted in fear that Keith was going to be squashed to death. The dummies moved back, many limp from being beaten, to uncover a puffing Keith.

"What the hell Lance!" Keith yelled as he shoved Lance.

"You were going to get killed!"

"I had it under control Lance!" Keith huffed as he grabbed his bottled and stomped towards the door.

"Wait!" Lance called out to him. Keith looked back. "Why are you on such a high level! Level 158? Your struggling to even complete level 21!" Lance called out in confusion.

"It's level 159 now, and I'm sick of pretending" Keith said coldly and stomped out as Lance chased after him.

"Just leave me alone!" Keith shouted and stepped inside his room. He sunk against the wall and buried his face in his hands. Lance, I'm so, so sorry ... Keith whispered to himself softly so that Lance couldn't hear on the other side.


"Keith! Stop picking your goo, just eat it!" Allura scowled at Keith as he played with it.

"Morning guys" Lance walked in, dark circles under his eyes.

"Good morning!" Hunk called as he placed Lance's goo in front of him. Lance peeked over to Keith, who was still poking at his goo.

"Good morning Keith" Lance said as he kept staring at Keith.

"Morning" Keith said coldly not looking up.

"What's with the atmosphere?" Pidge said as she shovelled down the goo. "Did you two have a fight?"

"Something like that" Lance said and stuck the a spoonful of goo in his mouth.

"I'm going!" Keith yelled and got up, throwing his plate of goo in the sink.

"Pay respect to food, young Keith!" Coran shouted after Keith.


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