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The castle had been getting more and more anonymous letters each day.

Let's play
Come down
I love you

And even more breaks in the ship. Coran had scanned the hair through his machine, bringing up nothing. It was blank, whipped of its DNA.

"I don't even know what it might be! I can't be anything with DNA!" Coran shouted frustrated. He had run the sixth test, hopping that the machine was just broken.

 He had run the sixth test, hopping that the machine was just broken

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Not my art but I felt like putting it in 🏳️‍🌈🌈😇🌈🏳️‍🌈

"What can we do?" Shiro asked. All the paladins were in the room, sweaty and dirty from space grease after fixing the castle - again.

"We are going to have to land the ship. We can't handle anymore attacks. Even if the ship does get attacked again, we won't have to worry up repairing it so quickly, possibly call in some professional and it'll be easier to buy supplies." Allura turned back to look at her computer. Her fingers tapped at each key and found the closest planet.
"It's not far, but because of the half dead engine, we've got to go as slow as possible. We'll reach the planet in about 6 hours. They have a peaceful race called the Molggy. They are very intelligent and will help us fix the ship."

Allura dismissed the paladins and they all headed to their rooms.

It burned. Everything burned.
Lance's leg throbbed. He limped around his room and got to the bathroom. Stripping his tight work leggings off, a large white patch glowed on Lance's leg. It wasn't just Shiro who almost got caught in the wave. Lance did get caught - and oh how much it burned.

He lifted the leg up to the sink and turned on the cold water which ran over skin quickly, soothing the burn slightly.

Every now and then, Lance would get flash backs. Either in his own eyes or someone else's. They were always screaming, crying, weeping, sobbing. They were always alone, abandoned, forgotten, replaced, sorrowful, wronged and thrown away. They had white fur and long white talons. He remember that flash back well.

What ever had happened through this person's life scared Lance. How did they live through this? He him self had already been so close to tumble off the edge, but this ... person?

A flash of white light engulfed Lance's vision.

Another Flashback


Keith looked up at the ship as it flew away. He was getting tired. They wouldn't play with him. No one ever played with him.

Did he maybe smell bad? Keith quickly brought his nose to his armpit and sniffed.
Not that.

Did I look bad? Keith looked around if any scarp metal was floating around. The space around him looked fairly clean. He quickly looked up at the ship. Maybe he could polish it enough so the he could see himself.
Quickly darting towards the ship, Keith licked at the metal and rubbed with his furry arm.

And he did look bad.
Long whiskers had sprung from his face, and they were dipped in blood. Keith could smell it. His ears look hideous, chunks missing. The fur on his face, mainly his cheeks were dusty and dark purple streaks ran from his eyes to his chin.

"But friends play with you even if you look bad, right?"


"Paladins, come to the front of the ship immediately!" Allura blasted. Lance had already wrapped bandages around his leg and put on baggy pants. Makin his way to the front of the ship, he heard Coran an Allura arguing loudly.

"We can't even see the face! We don't know who it is!" Coran argued as Lance stepped around the corner and stood next to the rest of the paladins.

"Well I say we blast them away now!" Allura screeched back. It had already been 5 hours and they were going to arrive to their destination soon.

"We don't even know the species - !" Coran kept arguing with Allura.

"Should we stop them?" Hunk whispered to Lance and Pidge.

"I think so" Lance replied and Pidge stepped forward.

"What's going on!?" Pidge shouted at them. Allura and Coran stopped arguing and looked at Pidge.Allura patted down her dress and gave a small cough.

"The outside castle cameras depict a certain figure" Allura brought up the image. A white silhouette was visible on the screen, large ears popping out on it's head and a long tail was lazily curled at the tip. The thing didn't look in top shape, patch's of fur dirty and thin. You could see faint scars line the body, covering it like body paint. It had longer fur, also white, coming down its waist, knotted with screws,

"Do you think that is the thing we are fighting against?" Shiro asked.

"Possibly" Allura signed loudly. "I don't want another war on our hands, especially with that."

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