Hunk's Backstory

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This is pretty much a filler chapter. My friend thought that I should put in some of the characters' backstories. And read at your own risk because I will be breaking major hearts here and I'm torturing you for not giving you the next chapter of the actual story.


Hunk held Shay hand as they looked at the sunset. It wasn't a proper sunset, but Hunk wanted to show Shay earth, his home. It had already been two years since Keith died. He had Shay had confessed a few months ago, spending almost every moment together. They were perfect together - Shay's love for Hunk's food and Hunk loved Shay's love for her home.

Of course, like all get romance stories - their had to be a tragedy.


Zarkon had tried to re-capture the Balmera for the third time now. The Paladins were already in their lions ( with Arkov) and were knocking the planes down and the Balmera people were trying to keep the planet alive since it was still weak from the last attack.

"Arkov! Stop separating from the group!" Shiro yelled but Arkov didn't stop.

"I can sort this out myself!" He replied on the com. Arkov swerved and flew into the thicket of galra ships. He ended up opening a gap where galra ships managed to stream in. They aimed their lasers to the Balmera before any of the paladins could react.

"NO!" Hunk yelled and dived after the ships. Tears had already started rocketing down his face when the first shots hit the planet. But there was only one thought going through his mind - save Shay.

He dived and opened another hole, more ships streaming down. Hunk's ion was fats, but not as fast as the galra ships that were designed to go fast, very, very fast.

There were a few blursts of bright yellow and red light before the tears in Hunk's eyes streamed down his face. It was only a few hours till they got the ships away and saw that part of Balmera was missing. And a week later to count all the missing.


Hunk stood in front of the little gravestone. 'Shay' was delicately etched onto the rock. He smiled down on it and held the bunch of flower tightly in his fist. He promised not to cry this time, not this year, but his feelings always betrayed him.


Author's note:

I'm back and depressed as ever. This shit took way to long to come out I know. And i'm sorry. But the next few chapters will be backstories and then we might be drawing to our fated conclusion! I don't know how to make things bold on the computer since i was always writing with my ipad (which might i add is my saviour and lord?)

So hold tight cause I kill. 

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