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"Come on, Millfy!" Keith shouted as a small Miffue ran away with one of his sharpened sword Keith had made from iron. Keith has been on planet Miffue for about a month now. He had gotten used to his galra form and made great friends with the Miffues.

"You need to catch me first!" Millfy yelled as she ran about the undergrowth. Keith ran on all fours, faster then Millfy. He grabbed her in between his hands and tickled her.

"Ahahaha! Please ... stop!" Millfy managed to say in between giggles. Keith stopped tickling Millfy and out her down.

"Leader request that I go out and try to catch another Helphin" Keith said. Helphins where enormous beasts and a delicacy to the Miffues. They were very hard to kill as they were ten times bigger then Keith, it was the equal to Keith training of level 200.

"So that's why you knife was so well polished!" Millfy squeaked and hopped up and down in joy, throwing shedded fur everywhere.

Keith's ear twitched. His hearing, sense of smell and eyesight has gotten so much better since he turned Galra. Every now and then, he didn't regret being a Galra.

"Is that a Helphin?" Millfy questioned.

"It is" Keith whispered and quickly sprung through the trees, Millfy following closely behind.
The giant green and gray aliens stomped around, squishing trees under his feet.
"Attack!" Millfy screamed and lunges herself at the beast and sunk her tiny teeth into the monster's toe.
Keith lept out of the bush and ran up the monster's leg, sinking in his claws for grip. The Keith had his knife in his mouth, his fangs holding the the knife to the side as to not cut himself. He kept running up the animal, until he got to the face. The Helphin growled and tried to flick Keith off, but Keith was already on it.
He stabbed his knife into the beast's eye, blinding him. The alien staggered and Keith lept to the back of the animal and stabbed it through the nape, back of the neck. The Helphin gave one last roar and fell forward.

"Yay! It's a Helphin!" All the other Miffues squealed as they gathered around and nibbles down on the Helphin. Keith and Millfy smirked at each other, proudly catching their second Helphin together.
> Time skip - Three years later <

"Ahaha!" Keith laughed as Millfy tried to braid Keith's long hair.

"No one ever knew that the galran Helphin pair woul look so cute in twin braids!" Millfy snickered to herself as she started sticking flowers in Keith's braids. Over the three years, Keith refused to cut his hair and it had already grown waist long.

"Phin!" The leader called Keith by his nickname on the Miffues planet. Keith sat up and quickly pulled out the braids, Millfy angry that the leader had come. "Come" He said and turned. Keith patted Millfy on the head and left, following the leader. "Its a ship" Keith's eyes lit up.

The paladins?

"Its the galra" The leader pointed his stick to over were a large bulky purple battle ship landed. Keith growled. "Go"

Keith pounced and ran over on all fours to the galran ship. Multiple galran came out but Keith flipped his hood over and popped a mask over his face to conceal his galra form.

> Lance POV (kinda of, not really, but inside the blue lion) <

"So this is the planet of the Miffues, small, fuzzy and cute aliens!" Lance said over the intercom as he was in the blue lion. The black, green, yellow and red lion following closely behind. "How could these awful galra attack such defenceless creatures!" Lance argued with himself.

"Lance, it doesnt matter, let's just a place to land" Arkov, the step in for the red lion said back to over the intercom. The leader waved his arms around madly, indicating for the lions to land there.

"Thank goodness your here!" The leader explained as the lions landed and the paladins got out. "My friend, Phin, is out there fighting the galra ..."

"But he is strong and doesn't need your help!" Millfy broke the leader of.

"But we just want to make sure that he isn't hurt, we aren't the fight type" The leader said.

"We can see that" Shiro said. "Come on, its a whole battleship, no one can go in there unless it's suicide."
Shiro ordered the paladins to come with him, to get closer to the ship. All the paladin's eyes were on Keith, running around on all fours and striking down each galran soldier with grace and agility.

"That's Phin. We adopted him into the clan about three years ago" the leader chuckled to himself.

"Phin, he really is a good fighter. He's probably better then Shiro!" Pidge said as she quickly got her camera out and started filming.

"Pidge! How many times have i told you, you cant study people battle forms!" Shiro snatched the camera out of Pidge's hands.
The galran ship's boosters turned on as the Galra that Keith hadn't killed yet filed back on to the ship. Keith turned back and sprinted (on all fours) towards the leader. Keith froze in place when he saw the other paladins.
He quickly ran over to leader and grabbed him in his hands.

"What are they doing here!" Keith growled to leader.

"I thought you would be happy to see them!"

"You could have given me a warning! Do you think they'll except me? They think I'm dead! I'm a monster!" Keith's voice quivered as he realised.

I'm a monster ...

"I know your happy to see them, just open up your heart. Things will turn out differently then to what you'll expect. Expect the un - expected" Leader said and gave Keith a quick wink.

"Is something wrong?" Shiro asked.

"No, no, nothing!" Leader said as Keith put him down, his tail flicking around in fury. "Don't be so sour Phin! So the paladins of Voltron : legendary defenders some kindness from planet Miffues, take on your mask."

"Leader!" Keith hissed in surprise.

"This is an order from your leader, not your friend" Leader said sternly.
Keith slowly slid the mask off and flipped his hood. The paladins gasped as a galra with giant cat ears and bright yellow eyes stood in front of them.

"Phin is a Galra!" Arkov explained as he took out his bayard. Keith looked at his uniform and frowned. It was red.

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now