Healing Pod

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"Its the galra! Get to your lions ASAP" Allura yelled over the sirens. Lance jumped up and pulled on his armour in five seconds flat. He ran out following Hunk and Pidge. When they got there, Keith and Shiro were already climbing into their lions.
A large blast shook the castle.
"Hurry!" Shiro yelled.
The lions flew out and was meet with a giant armada of Galra ships.
"Form Voltron!" Shiro yelled. The lions flew together, faster and faster, but nothing happened.
"What's happening!" Pidge yelled.

"I don't know! I didn't build these lions! Why are you asking me!" Shiro yelled back

"'Cause your the space dad!" Pidge yelled at Shiro.

"Right, what did I expect!" Shiro scoffed.
"What's was that!" Shiro looked back and saw the re lion floating around limp.

"Who the fuck ...!" Pidge started yelling but Shiro cut her off.


"Whom the fuck!" Pidge yelled back.

"No!" Yelled Shiro, facepalming.

"Umm, guys i dont think this is the time to be talking about the English language! We need to help Keith!" Lance shouted over the intercom.

"Right, yes!" Shiro said and flew over to grab Keith's lion in his mouth.

"Umm, guys? Is it normal for galra to retreat so easily?" Hunk said as he looked at the galran ships that had turned around.

"Its not, but lets that this as a chance to put Keith in a healing pod!" Shiro turned his thrusters and headed for the castle.

"What happened!" Allura rushed in as Shiro's lion landed in the bay, the other lions behind Shiro.

"Keith was hit with some sort of ray and then the red lion just ... stopped!" Pidge explained as everyone opened the mouth of the lion and found Keith, a giant gash on his stomach as blood was splattered everywhere.

"Quickly, we need to get him into a healing pod!" Allura yelled as Shiro scooped Keith into his arms.
The paladins ran to the healing pods as Coran locked Keith in.

"It's a very deep wound, but nothing the healing pod cant fix! He should be in there for a few weeks but i would also recommend a bit of ... ?!" Coran stopped as an explosion was heard from the lions.

"The galra tricked us!" Allura yelled and ran out with the other paladins, leaving Keith alone in the healing pods.
Another explosion tore through the castle, but this time, it was where Keith was. A hole was torn in the wall and the healing pods where all sucked out, including the one Keith was in.

"That's another explosion!" Lance cried as he ran over to the room Keith was supposed to be resting in. Lance gasped as the healing pod was dragged out, out to the deep and dark voids of space.

Author's note:
Sorry that this chapter was so short! I just ran out of ideas 💡 so i had to stop 🛑 it short!

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