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Authors note:
Thank you so much for making it this far! I know my book absolutely sucks and all, but i thank you for sticking with me to the end ...

"I request I come with you" the leader said to the paladins.

"Leader!" Millfy yelled, springing up and down.

"I think that I may be off some service for the paladins. Phin might also what to tag along" Leader said and small pearls and gems rolled out of his fur.

"Leader!" Keith explained, eyes burning holes in leader.

"I am a fortune type. My wife can easily maintain the village and if anything goes wrong, we have very wise children to take over" Leader continued, completely ignoring Keith. "I also would like to stoke up on more crystals on the way."

"We can look this over with Allura" Shiro said as he picked up Leader.

"I want to go too!" Millfy jumped up on to Keith's shoulder. "No way are the Helphin pair going to seperate! Helfy and Phin are pairs!"

"If you like, of course you can tag along Millfy, but dont cause trouble for the paladins."

"Aww! Look at that! Little Galra babysitting a little Miffues! So cute!" Lance teased. Keith didnt look up. "Ohh, is our little kitten sad?" (Chapter one ... ?)
"Dont touch me!" Keith yelled and flipped him over. Lance was now half buried in the under growth.

"Does this run in emo peoples' blood! Flipping me over and trying to kill me!" Lance grunted and rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry" Keith mumbled and turned to follow the rest of the paladins to the castle.


"Of course, all we need on out ship is a fortune teller! I'm sure you'll be of great help!" Allura smiled at Leader as he was accepted in to the crew. For Kieth it was much harder. Leader spent hours just convincing  Allura the Keith wasnt a galran spy. He would always glare at Keith and whenever she walked past him, she would whisper in his ear -
"You monster."

Keith knew she was right and that he would never be excepted back into back as a paladin. He was replaced by Arkov, an arrogant alien with large horns and back sprouting with spikes. Keith worried about the condition of red's seat.

"Just so that, you know, we can trust Phin here, can we do a body examination?" Allura asked leader.

"Shouldn't you be asking Phin that?" leader said, pointing at Keith who was sitting in the corner with Millfy braiding his hair.

"Umm, yes, I will, sorry" Allura said as her pride hurt. She walked over to Keith as Millfy finished up the last plait.
"Excuse me, Phin, but so we know you aren't a spy, may we please get a whole body examination?"

"Sure, just keep the plaits in, Millfy does the best braids ever" Keith smirked up to Allura as Millfy giggled.

"We would like one immediately, we don't want to be wasting time" Allura said sternly and walked out the room as Keith followed Allura out.
Hunk came over to Millfy and picked her up.

"Phin has abs!" Millfy boasted to Hunk.

"Not as good as these bad boys!" Lance said and lifted up his shirt, revealing the outlines of a six pack. "I managed to get up to level 94 over these few years!" Lance smirked.

"Phin has an eight - pack and he is probably is on level 904 by now" Millfy burst out in laughter as Pidge and Hunk slowly joined in.

"Seriously! I bet he doesnt have such flawless skin as me!" Lance tried one more desperate plea of beauty.

"Well he has fur and he probably and no, its not flawless" Millfy signed.

"Ha! My skin (or hair) is better then his!" Lance bounced up and down in joy as small tears welled up in Millfy's eyes.

"He has scars" She said softly. Lance stopped partying and looked at the small sobbing pink fluff. "They're so deep, so ugly, so much pain" Millfy whined.

"Please, Phin, start stripping (please don't kink shame this)" Allura said. "Just keep privates hidden."
Keith grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. There was a bright pink scar, more like a hole in his skin on the side of his stomach, the same place that the galra ray had hit. Everyone gasped. Lance now understood what Millfy was crying about.
There were many other cuts that ran up and down Keith's back and his arms and legs.
Keith pulled of the pants and there, a huge gash ran down the side of his leg and around his ankle. There was dried blood on it, indicating it was still fresh.

"Where did that one come from?" Lance pointed to the gash.

"He was going through the undergrowth looking for a Sanhral, they are poisonous snake like creatures with acid burning skin. He had to get one for Mistif, who was sick with Overthral, the only antidote is a skinned Sanhral. He ran into a tribe of them and they attacked him" Millfy pointed to a similar gash on Keith's right arm.

"Please, mister Phin, lie down on this table" Coran said as he brought around a small scanner. "I'm just going to scan for alien technology and then take a blood test" Coran said as he hovered it over his body. It gave of slow beats but nothing that indicated enemy technology.
"Know for the blood test" Coran said and took out a small needle. Keith winced. He hated needles. Coran brought the needle up closer and Keith growled at it and his ears flattened on his head and his tail flicked around wildly.

"Galra, if you dare start a fight I will need to restrain you!" Allura boomed, scared of the safety of Coran. Keith stopped growling but his tail still flicked around nervously.

"Ha! A galra scared of needles! You know who Phin reminds me of?" Lance laughter. "Keith! Remember how he hated Coran for a week when he had his blood test! And they are both emo" Lance kept laughing. It was tense, but the paladins knew that they couldn't keep sulking over Keith's death.

If only they knew ...

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now