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The results of the days' training popped up on the board.

Phin - Level 736 Stage 6
Shiro - Level 162 Stage 9
Lance - Level 124 Stage 14
Pidge - Level 122 Stage 22
Hunk - Level 120 Stage 3

Keith scoffed. He was slowing down.
The last few days he wasn't pushing himself and spending all his time with Red.

You really need to rethink this ...

Red, no, I've already made up my mind

But you're back! You can't leave!

The first time was an accident

But everyone was devastated!

Red, I'm not repeating myself

"Phin! It's dinner time!" Hunk shouted for the third time over the intercom. Keith got up as Red shouted after him.

But Keith had truly made up his mind, and no one was going to change that.

Keith dragged his feet, his mind telling him to stop, and his stomach telling him to eat. It wasn't that there was no food on the castle, there was plenty, but Keith felt that it started to make him weak. No one wanted a weak warrior.

"Geez Phin! You could have maybe not been so slow! We're not allowed to eat without you!" Lance shouted at Keith, obviously angry at him.
Keith just let out a soft growl in response. He slumped down in a chair as Hunk passed around the bowls of curry - giving Keith extra.
Keith picked at his food, pushing it around the plate, the hot steam warming his face.

"Come on Phin, its your favourite!" Hunk piped in, his mouth stuffed with curry.

"I'm not hungry" Keith grumbled and threw the plate in the sink.

"Pay respect to your food!" Coran shouted after him.

"I'm not doing this again!" Keith yelled back. He stomped down the corridors and slammed the door open to his room.

"I - pp!" Millfy jumped, small pieces of grain like food stuffed in her mouth.

"Is there a problem?" Leader brought his head out of the bowl, the grain stuck in his fur.

"No!" Keith yelled back. He grabbed his bag and started stuffing it with anything that was laying it around. "You're going to get fat."

"Is that a problem?" Leader asked, stuffing his mouth with more grain.

"You won't be able to fight" Keith said back angrily

"We're not the fighting type" Leader said after chewing his grain and swallowing

"No wonder you do nothing but sit and eat" Keith grumbled back, stuffing the bag full.

"Shut your mouth, furry purple bastard" Leader jumped into Keiths hair and tugged at it.

"Oww! Stop it!" Keith yelled, trying to spoon the small alien out of his hair. Leader jumped out and landed here his feet.

"That should teach you something"

"Is it supposed to teach me how to get furry pink fly out of my hair!"
Leader chomped down on Keith's ankle.

"It's supposed to teach you how to keep your mouth shut!"

"Whatever" Keith threw the bag over his shoulder.

"And where might you be going?" Leader said with a stern voice.

"No where that concerns you" Keith pushed the door open and stomped out.

"Wait!" Leader and Millfy tried to go after him, but Keith had already turned the corner.

Stupid leader, I could have left earlier with no gruff like this - abandon, forget and replace ...
Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace

"Arghh! Just get out of my head!" Keith panted and clutched his throbbing head. "Just leave me alone ..."

Keith stepped into the lions bay, heading to a small escape pod.

"Keith, stop!" Allura wailed, the rest of Voltron running up behind her.

"You're leaving?" Pidge panted and clutched Keith's jacket.

"You can't leave! You're a precious paladin of Voltron!" Allura's face was drenched with tears.

"That's all you care about - Voltron." Keith looked down at her. "If you need another paladin, just replace me like you did with that bastard!"

"Keith, don't tell me this is what it's about?" Shiro looked at Keith with pity full eyes.

"Don't looks at me like that!" Keith lashed out, striking Shiro's shoulder. Blood stained Keith's claws as he looked down at them and panted. "I'm not Keith anymore ..."

"Yes you are! You always were!" Lance grabbed Keith's bloody hand but Keith shook him of.

"I mean I'm not Keith! I'm not Phin! I'll find a name that'll I won't forget!" Keith flung the escape pod's lid of. everyone scrabbled to get to Keith except Shiro. He knew what he felt like.

He was abandoned - forgotten - replaced
Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace

Keith pulled the lid of the pod over him, forcibly shoving everyone off. Keith flew out and only seconds later, the lions followed him out. Keith noticed that there was enough of Allura's magic to wormhole jump.
As the wormhole opened and he got sucked in, the thought came back ...
Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace

"Please!" Keith screamed. "Please ... I beg you ... just stop..." A single tear ran down Keith purple fur, the first swim he cried in seven years.

Author's note:
Omg, I'm so sorry I didn't post for so long! Sorry! And if any of you are worried, no, its not the end of the book, but I probably just created a dead end for my self ... in a way I do regret it because now ... I have no idea what to do but I will still continue this!

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