Enemy Part 2 - She/He Flirt

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The castle had landed on the planet - Molggy. The creatures there were beautiful and majestic, some with golden fins floating down from the top their heads and some with large furred wings for ears and detailed glowing tattoos.

 The creatures there were beautiful and majestic, some with golden fins floating down from the top their heads and some with large furred wings for ears and detailed glowing tattoos

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(Something like this if you get the idea and not my art I can't draw that well)

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(Something like this if you get the idea and not my art I can't draw that well)

There were such large differences between them that they hardly looked of the same species. But quite a lot of them were immigrants, different aliens settling down before and after the galran empire was defeated.

"Me and Coran will make our way up to the head of the Molggy. You may wonder around but please don't cause any trouble like you usually do" Allura pleaded, her hands pressed together tightly.

"Yeah, yeah, sure princess" Lance giggled as his eyes sparkled, unable to choose who to flirt with.

"Don't over do it, buddy" Hunk said, moving towards a food stall.

"And don't spend too much" Pidge said as she moved to an electronics store.

"You spend the most." Lance looked at Pidge's sullen face with huge bags under her eyes."And you need to sleep" Lance murmured and started slowly following a vibrant pink girl (picture above). Her long bubblegum coloured hair looked bouncy as she walked and her top two eyes, which also were an electrifying pink, blinked rapidly. Lance was about to muster up the courage until a white shape caught his eye.
It seemed to glow and have a very familiar hue to it.

Her long white hair, recently brushed down and curved on the edges, wrapped around her waist and hips.
A goofy smile popped up on his face. Sliding himself in between the aliens, he managed to stand next to the white wonderland beauty.
He craned his neck around to look at her face, a diamond strutted lilac coloured mask elegantly spread over her eyes. Lance quickly tapped her on the shoulder.

"Well hello there beautiful, the name's Lance" another perky smile appeared on his face as he stuck his hand out to shake. Getting a better look at her know, Lance finally noticed - it really wasn't that much of a she, and more of a he.
Large ears stood on his head, strands of hair cupping his furred face. But Lance wasn't wrong about the hips, which perfectly jutted out from his thin waist. His eyes were a bright yellow and canines sharp.

A long tail - which Lance had not noticed- tipped with purple wrapped around his hand, almost like a handshake
"Good to met you Lance" He snickered. Lance didn't feel power in his knees anymore. There was something about him just just made him feel happy and familiar.

"So you know me?" Lance asked, arching his eyebrows up.

"Of course" he laughed again.

"So care to tell me your name?" Lance asked.

"Hmm ... I don't remember it" he giggled again. Lance looked at him dumbfounded. Now he didnt know what to call him, as if beautiful would be much of a name.

"Is it ok if I give you a bit of a name?" Lance winked. He giggled again and gave a small nod. Something in Lance's mind brought him to a single thought. "Keith."

"Keith?" He cocked his head to the side and looked at Lance strangely.

"Oh, no, I doesn't matter, you don't have too ..." Lance started to frantically looked for an excuse.

"No, no, I like" Keith gave Lance a warm smile.

I know it takes WAY too long for these chapters to come out and I'm sorry. I'm thinking of starting another voltron fan fiction. It'll be mostly composed of kangst matters and the Blade of Marmora.

My friend has also been legit BEGGING to be mentioned in one of my books so she can get some views and likes, which no offence Eggony, you need to catch up on your fanfic becuase you have a good story plot but you're just hella lazy (as if I can talk)

Check her out! - MissImaginary_

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