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"Okay, Lance get into position. The galra is in sight" Shiro said over the intercom. Lance's lion flew over to different asteroids, trying to get to his original position. After a few more asteriods, Lance manages to position himself.

The galra ship looked out from behind the rocks and seemed to groan. It was surprisingly calm and peaceful.

"Wait ... wait" Allura spoke over the intercom, eyeing the ship. "NOW!" she screamed and the lions burst out of their hiding places. (I'm terrible at writing fight scenes, so ... get ready for a bucket load of cringe.)

Shiro steered the lion to start attacking at the front of the ship, Pidge and Lance to the sides, Hunk on the bottom and Arkov to the back. Keith was sitting in the extra seat in Red and he was already uneasy about the situation. It was too calm, and he was worried about what Red had said earlier.

Because he is a traitor

Red, please tell me you're overreacting

Don't take my words for granted, fuzzy one

Says the lion

"I've broken through the front! Everyone, put your lions on autopilot and we'll start attacking from the inside!" Shiro yelled and the intercom disconnected.

Wish me luck

Don't brush my warning of just like that!

Keith jumped out after Arkov and ran after the paladins.

"Phin, take the vents and search sector all of Area one, two and four. Hunk and Lance, area three and five while pidge hack and Arkov and I will work our way to the center. Go!" Shiro yelled and they all separated.

Keith's small body managed to slip easily through the vent. He kept scuttling forward, his tail beating the vent to create an echo. His ears picked up if anyone was around and his eyes lit up in the dark.
An echo was sent back, indicating that there was a person below. Keith kicked out the vent that was under him and fell thru to where a group of galra circled him. Keith looked up at the faces of the galra, but was oddly calm.
The smell was familiar, the faces where familiar, and the armour was familiar.

The Blade of Marmara!

Keith flinched. He knew that the galra had smelled him and their eyes wizzed up and down his body, analysing him carefully. Keith didn't lift his head as he was scared at what they might do. Keith jumped when he felt a furry hand on his shoulder.

"We knew you weren't gone" Kolivan said softly as Keith looked back at him. Kolivan gave Keith a small smile and Keith returned it.

"Thank you for believing in me" Keith said softly.

"Wait, do the other paladins know it's you?" Kolivan asked, eyebrows raised.

"Umm, maybe we can save this for a later issue ... ?" Keith stuttered.

"They don't know do they" Kolivan said, more of a statement.

"Ya" Keith replied bluntly and looked down.

"This is going off topic. Keith remember that the mission comes before our lives" Kolivan said sternly but Keith just smirked in return.

"Roger that" he yelled and jumped up to the vent.

"I forgot to ask, but why are you galra?" Kolivan yelled after Keith.

"Long story!" Keith yelled back and started beating his tail on the vent again. A message popped up on the space watch that he had wrapped around his wrist. He clicked the little button and he could hear Shiro over the intercom.

"Everyone, come quickly! We are going to bust through the door and meet old man Zarkon!" There was crashing and banging in the background and he could here Lance laughing manically, gunshots firing.
Keith scrammbled along the vents until he heard the banging and guns going off. He kicked the vent out at just managed to dodge a laser from a Galra.

"Took you long enough!" Pidge screamed to Keith.

"Sorry bought that!" Keith jumped and smashed to galra heads together. " I met some old friends."

"It's open!" Hunk shouted.

"Keith, get rid of the other galra!" Shiro screamed. There were only twenty or thirty galra left and Keith cracked his buckles and licked his teeth. Lunging for them, he managed to strike down four galra in one swipe. All the galra shot and only a few man aged to scrape him. It didn't take long for Keith to annihilate them. He jogged after the other paladins

"Oh, what fools you are!" Arkov shouted as he lowered his bayard. He walked forward, right towards the throne that Zarkon sat on.

"What are you doing! Get back here!" Shiro screamed at him.

"Fools, that's what you all are!" Arkov said again. He was getting closer and closer to Zarkon.

"What are you talking about?!" Pidge started yelling too. "If you get any closer you'll get killed!"

"Traitor" Keith said coming up behind everyone and looking Arkov dead in the eye.

"Oh, and here comes the hero of the day! And did you all know who he is!" Arkov started laughing. "I won't spoil it just yet! Oh ho ho! But the shock! You'll all be torn to pieces!"

"So this is what Red was talking about" Keith said to Arkov taking a step further. "No wonder Red refused to open to you. You betrayed us."

"Wait, Red talks to you?" Lance pips up. "Only Keith is supposed to be able to do that!"

Arkov broke out in an uncontrollable laughter.

"What's so good about the galran army?" Keith said, trying to avoid that conversation completely.

"I get all the woman, food and glory I need here! All the fame I want! Everything!" Arkov started snickering. "And your time is up." Large prices of metal emerged from the ground and held Arkov down. "Bye - bye." A large hole opened up and the room split in two. All of the paladins and Keith were flung out.

The signal from Keith's watch was cut off. He was now floating in a sea of darkness.

Not this again ...

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now