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Author's note :
I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself with the image, BHAHAHAHA! Hunk is rocking it the outfit!

The paladins all gathered around Pidge and Allura who have very stern but an extremely happy look on their faces.

"We know the location of Matt Holt!" Pidge squealed happily as Allura patted her on the back.

"He's on a Galran prisoner transport ship. They are heading our way through the Milkov Calapay asteroid belt. There are locals there that can aid in the ambush." Allura said.

"So are you 100% certain that Matt is there?" Shiro asked. They had been following different leads on Matt's whereabouts for years.

"We are not a hundred percent certain but we have a reliable lead. The blade of Marmora will also be joining us, and they are the ones that gave us the information" Allura replied to Shiro.

"The Blade of Marmora?" Keith pretended to look clueless. Of course, he knew who the blade of Marmora was.

"Yes, Phin you may or may not have met the Blade of Marmora yet, but they are Galra who have rebelled. I got in contact with them a few years ago, about a month before our red paladin died. We haven't communicated much with as they refuse to do smaller things like peace treats for example." Keith gulped. Galras could remember other people's scents. He knew he was screwed.

"Where are we meeting them?" Keith had to try to make up an excuse for him not being there or they would sniff him out.

"They'll be meeting us in the castle," Allura said and Keith gulped loudly. "Is something wrong?"

"Umm ... ya, everything is fine" Keith stuttered.

"Now, everyone, to start the day we will be doing training as usual. Phin, don't push yourself" Allura gave Keith a sharp and dangerous glare.

"Okay, okay, I won't princess" Keith reassured her. Allura brought up the board with all their names and levels.

Phin - Level 697 -Stage 23 Shiro - Level 146 - Stage 12 Arkov - Level 145 - Stage 18 Lance - Level 110 - Stage 2 Pidge - Level 109 - Stage 25 Hunk - Level 107 - Stage 25

"Look at that! Phiny boy only came here two months ago and he beat a hundred levels!" Lance screamed sarcastically and pointed at Keith, he didn't do more but shrug.

"Everyone, can we just hurry up and get to the training deck" Hunk whined. "My feet hurt just standing here."

Everyone headed to the training deck, Lance boasting about his looks and his enormous muscles. Keith had to admit it, Lance was a bit more muscular then three years ago. He had a small and faint scar on his shoulder and one on his thigh. When everyone reached the training deck, Coran pulled Keith over to the side.

"Hello, Keith," he said gently, making sure nobody heard. Keith momentarily spassed out.

"How did you find out? Did Arkov tell you? Am I being too obvious?" Keith started bombarding Coran with questions.

"No, no! It was just a hunch!"Coran said happily. He then looked down at Keith and frowned. "Why did you tell everyone that Keith was gone?" Keith looked down at his which stretched out a bit larger than human feet and were padded with paws.

"I didn't think anyone would accept me ..." Keith mumbled as he played with his tail.

"Well, Allura would take some time but if you're worried about Shiro and Pidge, I think they will be fine. Did you know that Shiro's galra arm was ripped off and Pidge replaced it with an almost identical copy, only adding in a few small tweaks of her own." Coran seemed to beam and radiate light.

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now