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Lance had probably searched half the galaxy by now and his knuckles hurt from gripping the handles too tight. He had almost gave up hope but his foot launched forward and pressed down on the gas. It was the same foot the was hurt. The same one that pulsed a bright white.

Lance screamed, the pain unbearable. It felt like someone was pouring boiled water over him. As the lion kept blasting forward, an oval shaped planet appeared. There was a giant crater that had taken out more than half of the planet and it looked like it was sizzling. 

Panic struck Lance and he pressed down harder on the pedal, ignoring the worsening pain in his leg. The blue lion dug into the ground as it crash landed and Lance limped out of the ship. The blue lion purred after him and shut down. The ground under Keith's feet was scorching and the pain in his leg only got worse as he got closer to the middle of the crater.

Lance huffed, his vision blurring around the edges. He thought he was seeing things when he saw the small lump, curled into itself laying amid the rubble. The little white furry shape whimpered and let out a yelp, trembling. Lance pulled himself forward and wrapped his arm around Keith.

"I got you buddy" Lance said and pulled Keith into his lap. Keith's face was burnt, the fur charred and skin bubbling and hissing. Lance pulled Keith's body out of the crater and up in the undergrowth of the forest. "Everything is going to be alright" Lance whispered and brushed a few stray locks of Keith's white hair out of his eyes. 

Keith's clawed hand, trembling, brushed Lance's cheek and clasped on to his neck. "L-l-lance?" Keith voice came out shaky and Lance gasped as Keith's eyes opened slightly. Two pearly orbs stared back at him in fear and worry. "Why didn't you leave m-me?"

This only brought more tears to Lance's eyes. The brought the galra to his chest and squeezed. "I could never EVER leave you!" Lance screamed and Keith's ears twitched. Lance sobbed into Keith shoulder for a few minutes before Keith pushed him away.

"Crybaby" he giggled and Lance smiled back. Lance had almost forgot the pain in his leg but winced as he attempted to get up.

"Lance!" Keith grabbed him by the arm and let Lance lay against his chest. "Did you get hurt?" Lance pointed to his leg and Keith's face fell. He knew exactly what it was.

"Keith, what's wrong?"Lance asked, puzzedly looking up at the galra's face. He still coudn't stop looking at Keith's eyes. The matched perfectly to his white fur now. 

Keith pulled out a small blade, god knows where, and moved down to Lance's leg.

"K-keith?" Lance stuttered. "What are you doing?"

"Just hold still" Keith said, not meeting eyes with Lance.

"What are you doing?" 

"Don't move."

"Keith, please" Lance whimpered. "I'm scared." At that Keith looked up and at Lance. There was terror in his ocean blue eyes. Keith paused and the hand that was holding the blade dropped to his side. 

I can't do this - I can never hurt Lance

Keith was silent for a moment. Lance looked at him, waiting for Keith to do something.

"You shouldn't've followed me Lance." Keith's hair rested in front of his eyes, blocking out the view. He remember the times when Miffue would braid the black (now white) locks.

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now