Mall Shopping

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It had been a month since Arkov betrayed them. They have had multiple Galra attacks, hacks and all sort of things. With the help of Pidge, Allura managed to reset the whole castle. About a week later, there was news that Arkov had been executed, even Allura applauded the Galra's actions. Keith had gotten along with the paladins, now being the red paladin again. Everyone did find it suspicious how Keith (Phin) could form Voltron so easily.

"Okay! Today is a day of relaxation!" Allura shouted over the paladins after a long training session. "We're going to the mall today."

"Woohoo!" Lance bounced up. Keith just groaned.

"Can we see the results first thou?" Pidge whined.

"No. I want everyone to just relax today" Allura scowled Pidge.

The paladins made their way to the ship that Allura had prepared them. Coran would drive them to the mall and Allura, Shiro (he insisted to stay as there was nothing he needed) and Leader stayed at the castle. Millfy wanted to stock up on a few things in the mall. Allura managed to wormhole then close to the mall.

Coran managed to park the airship without many casualties.

"Okay, everyone please chose your clothing. The number one rule when going to the mall ..." Coran started, a matter of fact speaking style.

Lance just pushed past him and headed to a shop that sold earth - like things. Pidge and Hunk followed him while Millfy directed Keith to the weird hair salon. she forced him to wash it, but halfway through the wash.

Keith thanked the people and paid. He looked around for Millfy but couldn't see her anywhere.

How can someone so small disappear so quickly? Very quickly was the answer.

Keith literally ran around the whole mall looking for Millfy.

"Yo," Keith heard Lance say behind him. Keith signed.

"Phin!" Millfy said as she sat on top of Lance's head. keith turned around and stared at Millfy. She creepy smirk was plastered on her face.

You, traitor, abandoned me for the enemy

Lance had two giant paper bags in his hands.

"Aren't you going to buy anything?" Lance had the same smirk on his face as Millfy.

"Hey, guys!" Hunk said, a bag full of different varieties of food in his bag.

"Where's Pidge?" Lance asked.

"She's there" Hunk pointed behind him. And sure enough, it was Pidge, pulling along five hundred bags. Probably full of different games.

"Can we get going?"Keith asked. Everyone nodded and made their way to the ship. Coran had just loaded the last of the supplies Allura asked him to get. He was still wearing his weird costume.

"All ready to go I see! Hope you didn't use up all the savings I gave you?" Coran said, slipping of part of his costume. Pidge signed. "Oh dear" Coran looked the bags up and down. "I didn't know that castle even has enough powerpoints for them!"

"I'll find a way to squeeze them in somewhere" she huffed.

Coran managed to fly the ship back to the castle in one piece. Lance whispered to Pidge, Hunk, and Millfy softly. Even though Keith could hear everything they were saying, he had no idea what they were whispering about.

"I don't think that's a good idea Lance" Hunk whispered.

"It is, just imagine how he would look like" Lance whispered back.

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