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Author's note:
This chapter is short but its just a small fill in (its also short because i accidently started writing the next part ... oops 😬

"Okay! Since we haven't trained in a week yet since Phin came, we are going to have an long day of training ... today" Allura said, trying to find the correct words. "Phin, you may choose the level you are suitable at, I don't allow anyone to push past level 150."

"May I request to go higher?" Keith asked, knowing he was already past it.

"I will first see how well you do in other levels, then I will come to my decision. These are your level from last time" Allura put up a large hologram of everyone's levels.

Shiro - Level 123 - Stage 2
Arkov - Level 121 - Stage 8
Pidge - Level 95 - Stage 3
Lance - Level 94 - Stage 14
Hunk - Level 89 - Stage 12

"Ah, last one again!" Hunk signed.

"Don't let that get you down!" Lance patted Hunk on the back.

"Hurry up you two!" Allura shouted as everyone made there way to the training hall.

"Okay, Shiro please go to area one and processed with Level 123. Arkov to area two, Pidge to area three, Hunk to area four, Lance to are five and Phin with me to area six." Allura appointed everyone to their areas and they started training.

"Just here Phin" Allura said and pointed to the middle of the area. "I'm going to start you off at Level 50."

"Good luck with that, making him start so high without a weapon!" Lance snickered.

"Shut your quiznack Lance, you have your own training to do" Allura said to Lance sternly. "Would you like a weapon?"

"Not on this level, thank you" Keith said and Allura began the fighting sequence. Keith dodged the attacks with ease, not even moving a centimetre as twenty soft body training dummies came his way.

"Level 50, passed. I'll move you up to level 100. Would you like a weapon this time?" Allura said and started another training sequence.

"I cant believe it! I'm only on level 94!" Lance gawked as a dummy punched him in his stomach.

"Pay attention Lance, if that was an enemy galra you would have already died" Allura scowled Lance.

"Yes princess."

Keith managed to doge the eight metal dummies easily, this time only jumping around from place to place.

"Level 100, passed. Level 150 is next, are you sure you don't require a weapon?" Allura asked, a bit of worry in her eyes.

"Nope!" Keith yelled as he slammed down all twenty of the metal dummies around him that wielded small blades in their hands.

"Okay, Phin has passed the check and is allowed to move on to any level he likes. Are you sure you dont request a weapon?" Allura asked one more time.

"I'll take the metal dagger I brought back from planet Miffues" Keith answered as the first thing Allura did was take away all his weapons, daggers, knives, everything and locked it up in a storage room.

"I'll be right back" Allura said and ran off to pick up Keith's weapon.

"Woo hoo! Ya!" Lance pumped his fists up in the air as he completed level 94 and moved up to level 95. "Bet you nearly made it through level 100" Lance whined and sat down next to Keith panting.

"No, I made it through 100 and 150, earning me approval to move up to any level" Keith said, but he didnt want to boast.

"Oh! No way! Shiro!" Lance called over Shiro who had also just finished one of his stages.

"Ya?" Shiro said and jogged past the other areas to where Lance and Keith sat.

"He just made it through level 150! Look at him! Not a bruise or a scratch!" Lance examined Keiths arms, looking for anything strange. "Or do Galra have really fast healing? Like regenerating?"

"No, no! It's just that the life style on planet Miffues is a little harsh. It's either your small and nothing is interested in eating you, or your big and everyone one wants to eat you. I fell under that category so it wasnt the easiest for me." Keith shrugged as he ran his fingers in his tangle of hair.
Lance and Shiro looked at each other and then at Keith's scars.

Yes, a little harsh ...

Allura came running back with all sorts of different knives and daggers in her hand.

"Well, I don't need these two" Keith lifted up to long knives with small hooks at the end. "They are for climbing on Numbins (large turtle like creatures, just with a softer shell and walks on two legs) and these three" Keith lifted up three straight knives, one very long, one very short and one quite fat, "are for skinning and removing flesh." Keith looked at the last knife in Allura's hand. "This is the dagger I was looking for."
This dagger was shiny, had been maintained well and polished. It was very jaggered and the edge on the blade wasnt very straight. It was long, the length of Keith's whole are.
"This was made to kill." Keith shuddered and the tone of his voice. Allura seemed to freeze up, but Keith just smirked and turned around, standing in the middle of the bay.
"Level 200 - Stage 1" Keith shouted and multiple dummies dropped down from the roof.


"Okay, these are the results"Allura said as everyone looked at the points.

Shiro - Level 123 - Stage 5
Arkov - Level 121 - Stage 14
Lance - Level 95 - Stage 13
Pidge - Level 95 - Stage 12
Hunk - Level 91 - Stage 2

"Yes, I really pushed through!" Lance poked out his tongue in Pidge's direction but she just looked at the bottom of the screen. "Hey, What's so -" Lance stopped as he looked at the bottom of the board.

Phin - Level 567 - Stage 25

"What. Is. This." Lance said slowly as he looked at Keith. No one noticed, but Keith had bruises all over  his body and blood was dripping down from his nose. "No, way. You didn't."

Keith just sniffed in as his fangs hurt. They managed to rip off a few of the dummies arms or legs out but his teeth weren't that strong.

"You said that planet Miffues was a 'little bit harsh'. If you come back on level 500, that's not a bit harsh!" Lance argued with Keith even thou he didn't answer.

"I told you Phin was strong!" Millfy shrieked.

"No shit..." Lance mumbled to himself.

"Lance, language" Shiro scowled Lance like he did with Pidge.

"Nope shit ..." Lance said again.

"Okay, lets get this straight, on one is allowed to say any inappropriate words like shit!" Shiro yelled.

"Shiro, language!" Lance gave Shiro a stern but playful look.

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