However many stars in the sky - I will always find you

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It had been a few months since Keith left. Leader had predicted something - Passdra. No one knew what it meant for what it was supposed to do with them. Everyday, Leader would wake up screaming 'Passdar, Passdar, PASSDAR."

Lance thought it was a secret message for Keith. He had said that he was going to give himself a name. Everyone was still hung over the fact he left and Lance got really close to Red. He heard her whimpering and crying on night.

Red, are you okay?

I'm fine ...

No, you're not fine, you know you can tell me ...

It's him ...

Him? You mean ...


Lance didn't say anything. He needed to join the stars together and figure out what was going on.
He definitely wasn't the smartest of the lot, Lance knew that, but it had never stopped him before and it won't stop him now.

"Paladins, I want you all to com to the control room immediately" Allura said over the intercom. Her voice sounded hoarse, as if she was crying.

Lance got up and gave Red a small pat on the nose as she let out a small sob. He dashed towards the control room, everyone already there. A large image was projected in the air. It was a beaten galran ship floating around amongst the stars. It looked large and grand, large and grand enough to be ...

"The main ship" Allura said sternly. Her eyes were puffy and Coran had his hand on her shoulder.

"Who did this?" Shiro asked.

"Passdra" Allura replied. The blood in Lance's body turned cold and his stomach a sickening turn. "Or better known as" she takes in a deep breathe "Keith."

"But how?! He couldn't have down all that by himself, he isn't strong enough!" Pidge burst up.

"No ... he's done this before" Lance looked up at everyone. "Pretending to be weak, pretending to not be good enough ... he's done that before ..."

"I don't understand what you're saying Lance!" Pidge grabbed on his arm, tears spilling over the edge.

"Remember when we had Keith first, the proper Keith, we had never really known how strong he was" Lance looked up and the image, tears stinging the edge of his eyes. Something in him snapped. "Level 158 ... 3 years ... level up ..."

"What are you saying?" Hunk perked up quietly.

"That's it! Passdra ... it means legendary millennium warrior in Altean doesn't it!?" Lance looked at Allura.

"Yes, but I don't understand Lance, what does this ... !"

"Level 1000000 ... that's was Keith's Level all along ...." And that was enough for Lance as tears streamed down his face endlessly


Passdra ( I will now continue to address him as this ) growled as he felt the spell burn at his neck like acid. Haggar had wrapped a sort of white snake around his neck. He managed to wrench it off his neck but it left an extremely weird acid feeling. But he knew the feeling well. It wasn't everyday you escape your tortures.
He had given his body up so that he could bring the galran empire - from inside out.

He pulled out a new roll of bandages and wrapped it around his neck. His belt was heavy due to all the Megamors the had latched on. Megamors - mega monsters, some about the size of planets.
Passdra gave out a large growl as he made his way to a nearby planet to snack down on one of the Megamors, the rest going in his Cubinc, a small cube with a large amount of matter inside, capable of storing three full sized galaxies. He had stolen three of these cubes from the druids. The proved to be quite useful at times.

Passdra looked up at the stars. He ran his hand along the side of his face, wondering

Am I really here, here forever?

Passdra scratched his neck and tore the bandages off, his blood floating around him.

I didn't know my place the first time


"But Lance, you need to understand that the millennium warrior is just a legend!" Allura debated with Lance.

"Voltron was thought to be a fairy tale!" Lance snapped at Allura.

"You also need to understand that the millennium warrior is ... a ..." Allura whimpered, unable to find the words.

"A what? Tell me Allura, what?" Lance yelled back.

"... cursed ..." Allura's eyes welled with tears again.
Lance's eyes widened.

Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace
Abandon, forget and replace

The curse's words whirled around in Lance's head. No one had even abandoned, forgotten or replaced anyone ...

Author's note:
I'm sorry that this is so short! I usually have it longer but I have kinda driven myself into a corner.
I also apologise if I made it too dark and depressing all of a sudden

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