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Keith looked down at his claws.


He looked around and his eyes adjusted to the pitch black room he was standing in.


He felt something warm stick to his feet.


He looked around and noticed the multiple lumps scattered around the room.


Keith felt his throat tighten. Weird ruffling noises bounced of the walls and Keith covered his ears.

"You did this to us" the voices would say. "You used us" - "and you threw us out like garbage"

Keith spun around wildly and one of the lumps trembled and slowly began to pull itself up. It had a white tuft of hair in front and a pink line ran across his nose. 


There was blood splattered across his uniform. Gurgling noises came from its throat - which was slit open. An eye had been ripped out, his other arm missing. He was coming towards Keith.

Keith screamed and turned to run before realising that another figure had arose. The small body had caramel hair and it's glasses hung from one ear, shattered beyond repair. There was a torn out chunk from it's abdomen that resembled a bite.


"You did this too us" it hissed and hopped towards Keith on one leg, a small stump were the other should have been.

Keith felt tears rolling down his face and jumped out of his fur went he felt skeleton like fingers on his shoulder. Keith spun around and on reflex aimed for the face. His clawed hands made contact with bone, then a small crack, then no head. It rolled around in front of Keith and he realised who's glassy ocean eyes they were.


The rest of his body staggered around blindly but the heads' jaw kept clicking together. "You did this to us"

Another two lumps rose, one who's flesh was dripping like acid. Gaping hole through its chest. Another one with shredded skin.
Hunk - Allura - Coran

And they were all coming towards him, all chanting the same thing - "You did this to us".
Keith looked around frantically and found a gap in between the moving corpses. He dove under there arms and his hands found the wall. He looked back and saw the bodies stop, still hadn't rendered the fact that Keith wasn't there.

But Keith didn't noticed another lump rise. But this time it was covered in blood. There were no injuries, rolling heads or missing limps. Just pale skin, violet eyes, and a mullet.

The real Keith

Keith thought that his angel had come to take him out of this hell. But all the other thing did was raise it's hands and whisper one word - run.


Keith screamed and clutched his chest. His eyes were blurry as they adjusted to the castle lights. He felt another body on him. Lance. Keith looked down at the sleeping boy's face, stained with blood. Keith had lost control again and ripped someone to shreds. Again, he had the nightmare that told him to run, that he had stayed and enjoyed happiness for too long. Just run.

Keith slowly and gently moved Lance off his chest. The cuts on Lance's back had closed up but he looked pale. Keith looked solemnly at the Lance's body, splattered with blood and eyes red from crying.

But Keith forced himself to look away and run. To make sure no-one would follow him. To make sure that everyone hated him - so he headed to Allura's room.


Lance's eyes slowly fluttered open. They felt dry from crying so much and his voice was a bit hoarse. He tried to get off the bed but a stabbing white pain made his attempts futile. Lance signed and breathed in the scent of musky scent of Keith


He wasn't here. Lance attempted to drag himself up again and propped his body on his elbows before pushing himself up onto his feet. He let out a little groan when he tried to take his first wobbled step. Lance kept pushing, wincing at each step. He had made it to his door and slide it open just in time to see Pidge passing by with her bed hair.

She looked sleep deprived as usual, huge bags under her eyes and an imprint of a cog on her cheek. Probably slept on it.

Pidge glanced at Lance once, her eyes widened. "Oh my god Lance! What in the nine hells happened to you!" Pidge launched herself at Lance.

"This doesn't matter right now, I need to get to Keith." Lance said and cough as Pidge put her arm around Lance's shoulder, half falling, half carrying him.

"You will do no such thing" Allura said coming around the corner in a stern voice. She was clutching her chest, blood seeping in between her fingers. The front of her dress was stained scarlet and her face was whiter than Lance's.

"Princess, you must not be moving!" Coran, Shiro and Hunk were following Allura, trying to pull her back.

"I was just coming around to see if the two of you were ok but obviously you aren't." She replied and flicked Coran's hand away from her.

There was a silence, one filled with hatred and angry, hope and regret, a silent conversation spoken through looks.

"You will not go" Allura straightened up, her face contured in a look of pain.

"I will" Lance matched Allura's. Pidge let go of Lance's arm and rushed over to Shiro's side to whisper something.

Lance made the first move and dove around Allura. But Allura was faster and grabbed Lance by his bloodied hood. Lance gagged as it pulled against his throat. He spun around and swatted Allura's arm away before choosing to make a dash for it.

"AFTER HIM!" Allura roared. Everybody looked from Allura's red face to Lance as he sprinted down the corrider. Shiro signed and chased after Lance.

Allura kept glaring down the hallway, furious.

Lance rounded the corner to the lion's bay until Shiro grabbed him by the arm.

"Let me go!" Lance tried to rip his arm out of Shiro's grip but Shiro held tight.

Shiro looked at Lance when he stopped struggling. Shiro looked into Lance's eyes. There were tears in the corner.

"Come on" Shiro said and pulled Lance towards the blue lion. Lance was at first shocked. Shiro never dared to disobey the princess's orders.

Shiro pushed him into the lion and smiled sadly. "Go get him. Go save my little brother."

Lance smiled back and powered up Blue. "I promise" Lance whispered back and flew out of the hanger. Shiro watched him with sad eyes, stars swallowing up the lion.

Author's Note :

Yo, I'm queer, I'm here and late. It's taken bloody  forever to write this story. And let me say truly from my heart - sorry. 

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