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Author's note :
I'm sorry! That image ... I had to use it one day and its the best! FILTHY

"Keith?" Keith looked at the paladins strangely. He was happy they hadn't forgotten him.

"Ya, he died three years ago" Hunk signed.

"Was he the red paladin?" Keith kept asking. He wanted to know what the team thought of him, and if possibly, if there is even a slim chance, that he would be accepted back into the team.

"Yes, but now I am the red paladin" Arkov snickered. Keith growled quietly, just loud enough for Arkov to hear. "Damn Galra."

"Arkov was one of the only people that were even able to get near Red. He isn't able to go full power with the lion but he comes close" Pidge informed Keith. "There are times where the lion rejects him for a few hours as if he knew that there was someone better out there."

"Well, there isn't. The previous red paladin died and know I'm the paladin!" Arkov angrily yelled.


"Today we are trying to join forces with the Giliathors" Allura said proudly. "The Giliathors, or shortly known as the Gilia are very noble aliens. A large number of them are whispers, uncovers the truth. Today we are going for a small session and to sign a peace treaty!" Allura seemed to beam. "And Phin, Coran has prepared you a suit because we do not want to alert the Gilias that we are bringing in enemies, even though they'll probably see through it anyway."

"Yes, princess" Keith said sheepishly as Millfy was still playing around with his hair. Lance would often tease Keith about his long hair and how he always had braids but Millfy would bite back and just smirk at him.

"Paladins to your lions!" Allura said. "Leader you will stay here with Coran to watch the ship while I go out with the paladins. Phin, you will catch a ride in the blue lion." Allura didn't seem to mind having Keith around so much as long as he didn't cause trouble.

"Aww! Come on! I have to give a ride to a baby Galra!" Lance whined as he headed down to the bay where the lions were.
As Keith walked in, the lion's eyes flickered and he let out a small growl, not a bad growl, but a gentle and welcoming one. Keith secretly waved at the lion. Arkov glared at Keith.

"You petty Galra, don't you dare hex my lion" Arkov got closer to the lion. Red hesitated to open the hatch but did anyway.

Your lion, you wish Keith thought.

Keith climbed in another Lance into Blue and they set off.

"So, hows planet Miffues?" Lance asked.

"There are flowers, unlike this barren ship! I can't make Phin hair look pretty!" Millfy whined.

"It was a lovely place," Keith said quietly.

"Well, apparently this place has lots of flowers so you can lay in the fields and get your hair all plaited! Isn't that lovely little baby Galra!" Lance teased.
Keith just stared up at the ceiling.
"Dammit Blue! What's wrong with your controls! Stop talking to me!" Lance was silent for a minute. He looked back to where Keith was sitting back to Blue. "I think you're broken! Keith died!"
Keith flinched.

Blue, please ... Don't tell Lance

Keith ... you can not find your true self forever ...

Keith had never communicated to another lion except for Red. "What did the lion say?" Keith was curious and scared at the same time.

"Blue kept on saying 'Keith, Keith'. I don't know what it means but we're close to the Giliathor planet"

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now