Fly High

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Mum ... Dad ...

Keith's body felt limp. He tried to look around but his eyes would move. He was staring off into endless white.
He felt his tail wrapped around his waist.
His arms floated pointlessly on his sides.
His legs seemed to dangle free.

He was sitting on something.
But what? What can you sit on in this endless, endless white?


That was the answer. He wasn't sitting. He wasn't floating. He wasn't there.

Keith's body shook.
His eyelashes were stuck together from crying but he sniffed the air lightly.

Dust, smoke, rot.

That was all he could smell. He pulled his eyelashes apart, and the first thing he sees is white.
White fur.

"Ahh!" He screamed and jumps back but the body of white fur follows him.

Bending his legs, he pounced. He felt full strength return to his legs and found himself floating, looking down at the planet.


Everything was dying. It was gray. It was disgusting.


It was vile. Revolting, everything.

Everything you ever were

"No! I'm not ... not ... who I was" Tears spilled down Keith's white furred cheeks in waves. "Who was I?" Keith sobbed into his hands.


"We're going to have to get rid of it" Allura said, holding the deactivated Cubinc in her hands.

"But ... but what about Keith?" Pidge sniffed. Everyone had a hard time excepting that Keith was gone. Really gone this time.
The Cubinc was deactivated, there was no way to get in it anymore.
Of course, the person who took it the hardest were Lance and Shiro. Lance had bet everything to get Keith back, and Shiro, Keith was his brother. The paladins has suffered their most traumatic blow yet.

"It's ... too late" Allura coudn't find the right words. It was all her fault for letting the paladins go in there and see a member of their family die. They had always loved him and forever will, no matter were he was.

"I've already set the coordinates to one of the space dumps. We'll be there in a few minutes" Coran said as the ship teleported through a worm hole.
Lance excused himself and headed to his room.

As the door slid behind him, Lance's knees gave up.
Too late
Those words stabbed him. He wanted to have a team.
Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Lance and Keith.
Keith was always the missing peice. The one that was always needed.

Lance knew he wasn't one of the most valuable paladins but he was selfish and chose to stay. It was only because he loved it here.

Sure, life on earth with his whole family was fun, but life in space? It's the best - until of course your rival dies. It tore Lance apart.

And it asn't the only thing that burned.

Author's note -
Yeah, I choose to continue. I literally got bombarded with messages. Just a few hours from publishing the last chapter I got at least 10 messages.
So, I'm going to continue writing this. I'll try and balance my anime/manga/reading/writing/drawing/ homework and study lifestyle.
Don't worry, I'll be Kay.

Also, if it takes too long for me to publish a new chapter - edge me on. Bombard me with messages because that really gets my attention.
And thanks for saying nice things about this trashy book.

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