Uncover - Abandoned, forgotten and replaced

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Author's note :
Thank you for all your support down the path or the page or whatever fits here. What I'm trying to say is ... THANK YOU. I was wondering, should I maybe chuck in some sort of ship here and there? Message me 'yes' or 'no' and what ship you would like. I also found a great picture of how Pidge looks like now if any of you are wondering -

 I also found a great picture of how Pidge looks like now if any of you are wondering -

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Credit to whoever did this ☺️😊

"Geez, Keith! How far do you god damn live!" Lance yelled. The pod was slow as to not be detected and they had been riding around for an hour now.

After another ten minutes, Allura slowly started to lower. It was a large open space with stones and crosses all around. This was what Keith was expecting, landing in a graveyard and having to give a long explanation.

"The radar says that they are north," Allura said. Keith followed the direction and ended up standing in front of two graves. He bent down and brushed the moss covering the stone.

Here lies Emilia Greenwood  2001 - 2022

Here lies Peter James  1982 - 2021

Keith signed. He looked at the two names again.
Wait, they weren't Kogane!

"What are you doing, sitting and mopping around? We need to get going" Lance kicked Keith softly on the back. Keith shot up and followed Allura, accidentally pushing Lance back in the process.

"Watch it, mate!" Lance retorted.

This doesn't add up! They died in a fire when I was four!
The thought haunted Keith's head.

Allura walked down the road calmly as Keith broke out in a cold sweat. 

"Here we are. Do you know this place?" Allura asked looking at Keith, trembling in fear.

"Umm ...maybe?" Keith whimpered. He knew he was a much better liar then this. Keith shifted his body to the left slightly, giving himself a perfect view inside. keith hadn't realized it was Christmas, a large Christmas tree in the corner and socks hanging above the fireplace. 

There were four people inside, two of which Keith identified as his parents. The man had a large mop of black hair, just like Keith but shoulder length (aka mullet) while his mother had brown hair but she had very pale skin and bright violet eyes, just like Keith.

Keith held his tears back as small girl jumped into the father's arms. he cuddled her tightly and giggled as another child, around twelve, sat in the mother's lap. Keith knew that he was replaced. He was wanted. He was unwanted.

All he saw know were the different stages of his life -

1. Abandon

2. Forget

3. Replace

Keith knew that there was always something, something he needed to realize, sooner or later. Maybe it was too late, his heart beating like a drum.

"I never knew Keithy -  boy had siblings! I'm surprised that they aren't as emo as you" lance teased.

"Lance, just shut up" Pidge started. "Unlike us, Keith hasn't had the chance to see his parents in..."

"It doesn't matter" Keith looked down at his feet and stormed away to the ship. Everyone gave each other worried glances, and Lance a short death stare.

"What! It was only a joke!" Lance yelled back and ran after Keith.

As Keith stomped on, more and more thoughts came to mind.

The team didn't even bother to come looking for me! They abandoned me, and forgot me! I was even replaced by a spiny-backed bastard!

"Hey, man, I'm sorry if the joke upset you" Lance put his hand on Keith, but he just shrugged it off and kept stomping on. "Just stop!" Lance yelled, grabbing Keith by the shoulders and spinning him around. Keith just stared down at his feet, not realizing how sore they were getting. 

"Stop avoiding us! You haven't bothered to give us a single explanation yet!" lance barked down at Keith. Keith swatted Lance's arms away and took a few steps back.

"Just leave me alone" he growled and stormed off again.

"Oh yeah, there's the usual emo" Lance grumbled.

The fly back to the castle was tense. Keith sat in the corner and hugged his knees while Lance found the seat a far away as possible. It didn't help, now that Keith had moved into his old room and made Lance and Keith neighbors. 

Lance grunted at Keith (who is now in his galra form) as he walked into his room.

"Phin!" Millfy squealed and jumped into Keith's hair.

"Hi Millfy" Keith replied with a weak smile, probably the first time he smiled after ... everything. "Also, bye Millfy" ...

(Duh duh DUH)

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