The Passdra's curse

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Passdra (I feel really bad calling him Passdra so I'm switch later anyway) grunted as he applied the oil meant of Shimbermars - wrinkly pink berries with healing abilities- and Mugwheat, good for healing scars and infections. He had been applying it for months but the pain wouldn't go away and neither did the wound.
Over the few weeks, the wound had turned from a nasty brown to a pure white. It stung more and more and it looked like it had turned part of his fur white.

Passdra looked out of his window and spied the planets he had stuffed into the Cubinc. He wished to make the Cubinc his home, a heaven to him. Vines were wrapped around every corner and strawberry like berries grew outside his window. The room twinckled with Vilmers, tiny animals that resembled fireflies, but only brighter.

He huffed and slipped out the window, just floating mindlessly in space.

His mind was a wiz.

It always was now.

Nothing would be the same.

But how much he wished it was .

Passdra's stomach growled loudly. He hadn't eaten for two days, hopping not to go out hunting so often. He spied a rat like animal on bright blue planet. The tree's leaves would pulse and it gave the out the calming affect.
Keith (I don't care anymore, it's killing me inside) winced as his stomach did another flip.

"Dammit ..." she whimpered and blasted off. Of course at now being at the strength of a million, Keith was like a human space ship with enough power in his legs to blast out of a planet's atmosphere (just compare this to Super Saiyan 4 or something).


"This place is amazing!" Lance explained, stars reflecting in his eyes as he scanned the inside of the cubinc.

"Keep your voice down!" Shiro whisper - yelled at Lance.


The inside of the cubinc was amazing thou. Multiple planets just floated around each other pointlessly, colours bright and pulsing together like a heartbeat. There were sparkling stars and stained patches of colour were visit Kenya in the sky. Each planet had at least one characteristic from earth, either vines and actually green planets to rodents or other animals that looked similar to the ones on earth.

"All we need to do is scan for" Pidge paused and looked down at the scanner she just pulled out of her backpack "Keith."
Everyone nodded their heads and Pidge lifted the scanner of her head. It beeped slowly as she twirled around.

BeeeeeeeeP -

"He's over there!" Lance pointed in the direction and started his jet pack.

"No." Pidge took his hands away from the steering. "It's too dangerous, I can send Rover there. He's set up with a high definition camera and microphone." Lance looked a little sad that he wasn't getting to Keith himself.
Pidge pressed a few buttons on Rover's controller and he sped away towards Keith.

The small bot filmed magnificent planets, some pulsing with purple light, and others washed over with aqua coloured water, but they all had something linked with earth. They saw few other intelligent lifeforms on the way.
Lance was jumping up and down, Hunk nervously chewing his nails, and Pidge analysing the screen carefully. As the small bot passed a large planet layer with vines, something caught her attention.There was a sort of doom like thing, covered in half wilted vines.
It wasn't the actual dome house thing that caught Pidge's attention, it was the half wilted 🥀 vines. The rest of the planet was lush and green with vines, but in an almost perfect circle around the dome, all the vines were wilted.

"Looks like you found something" Shiro popped his head over Pidge.

"Yes" Pidge mentioned to the dome. She paused Rover and inspected the area, carfully this time. Sure enough, the vines were dying.

"So where's Keith?" Hunk asked.

"He's further up, but that's not what I'm concerned about right now" Pidge pointed to the vines.

"So ... ?" Lance questioned.

"Why are the vines dying? Maybe it's because of the different circumstances of the cubinc, like if the planet is dying, but all the other vines are still thriving." Pidge explained.

"So ... ?" Lance asked again.

"So, that means that something else is happening, a parasite, a disease or something" Pidge pushed her glasses up. "It might also not be of natural cause, possibly caused by the vacuum of the cubinc or a certain forced mutation / evolution." Pidge looked back at the screen and pointed to the screen again.

"So ... ? How does this have anything to do with Keith?" Lance asked again, Pidge now extremely irritated.

"So, so, it might not have anything to do with Keith, but we need to make sure we're safe. If this is a disease, the likely hood of us catching it is high, and even if it isn't, if it's caused by the vacuum of the cubinc, it means that we need to be on guard and get out as soon and quickly as possible" Pidge gave Lance a look of distaste. "You get it now?"

"Oh ... okay. Can we go look for Keith now?" Lance said, cocking his eyebrows.

"Argh! It's as if you never listen to me!" Pidge set the bot to keep moving. The bot passed a few other planets that looked as if they were decaying or breaking apart.
Everyone watched the screen eagerly as a large purple figure appeared on the screen. It was thrashing madly in a pond of some sort of yellow liquid. No audio was heard, but it was as if the paladins could hear Keith's screams.
Clawing at his side, droplets of purple spilled into the pond.


Keith's whole body burned. Everything.
The golden zects - the yellow pond - was supposed to have special calming and healing properties, but it just burned at Keith.
He clawed at his sides, the scars from Haggar hurting the most, the snake slithering around under his skin. The scars wrapped around his body and traveled down to his ankle. He growled at screamed as he tried to push himself out of the pond, but something kept him chained down, rendering his movements useful.

Keith promised Passdra, promised himself, that he would never give up and never lose again. But he was close, so close to calling it quits. His movements slowed as his eyes scanned the starry sky above him and a bot. It gave out small whirling noises and Keith looking it dead in the lense.

'Stay back' Keith mouthed 'just not you too ...'

Author's note:
Hey people - i know i haven't posted much, partly because of school and homework stuff.
I apologise again for not posting for a long time - SORRRY
I also want to tag user32397737 for their support - THANK YOU!

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