Curse in Progress

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As Keith thrashed one more time, the invisible treads tied him down harder. Keith already knew what was going to happen, squeezing his eyes shut.
The energy inside him bubbled and boiled, fizzed and popped, until he felt it tear threw his skin.
A shockwave was projected from his limb body and the tentacles that held him down flopped numb and mute. He peeked out and looked at what ever had tied him done. He could now see then, long thin weed like things that wrapped around each other. They turned Gary and started decaying almost straight away, giving of a pungent odour.
Keith hand flew to his nose, now extremely sensitive from his heightened galra senses, and lept out, then yellow liquid dripping off his fur.

Keith's feet landed to sandy ground with spikes and thorns. Looking back at the pool, the water also seem to bleach of it's bright and calming yellow (which wasn't very calming to Keith a few seconds ago), turning to a pale gray. Keith's gave glossed over the nearby trees.
Most were still intact, but a few also started rot at the stump.

Phew, at least I didn't destroy so much this time.

Keith finally looked down at his hands. They had bright lines on them, probably from the quiznacking weeds, and his nails that turned to a sickly green.
Snorting, Keith looked back at the robot that was hovering only moments ago, to find it rusted.
He bent down and inspected the mini wreckage, the bolts and springs had bounced out, a peice of a electronic sleeve (idk?) rolled out. It was a complet and utter wreck

Didn't know the curse had this much affect on metals, doubt Pidge could ever repair this

Keith hopped on his left leg and signed. The snake like bruise/scar had made his muscles stiff and seize up at times - but now really wasn't the time. Quickly picking on the white fur, Keith threw his head back and smelled the air.

Pidge, Shiro, Lance, Hunk - all worked up judging by the scent - sweating heavily.

Keith looked down at his hands and back at everything he had destroyed.

"Ahh!" He screamed out in annoyance. "Why can't people leave me alone already!" Keith looked back at where the paladins were, noticing that they started moving. "I really hate you guys right now" he signed and turned, sprinting on all fours into the forest.


"It's not a coincidence that the bot just blew up!" Pidge screamed back at Shiro, their jet packs on full thrust. "Even if it's the 'suction of space' in the cubinc, we'll see once we get their!"

"We can't be running right into this Pidge! What if it's something else, the planet blew up or something!" Shiro argued back.

"Oh, shut the fuck up Shiro! You're always the most hopeful about Keith still being alive!" Pidge growled back in response.

"Katie Holt!" Shiro screamed back, space dad senses activated.

"Blah, blah, blah! I don't care about my language anymore! This is serious!" Pidge retorted.

"Guys, maybe instead of fighting we could physically look for Keith?" Hunk begged the others.

"Why do we even care about Mr. Mullet?" Lance put on his 'cool' face, even though he was the most worried about Mr. Mullet.

"Somewhere here!" Pidge pointed down to the ground. "But it looks awfully different ..." She spoke, looking down as all the plants seemed to have wilted away and the only thing left was the dirt underneath.
"This is quite similar to what we saw with the vines, dead and wilting ... no!" Pidge's eyes landed on her bot. Going down as fast as possible she scooped the bot in her arms and cradled it.

"No, you were so beautiful my baby!" She weeped over the bot. 'Who ever did this was a vile monster!"

"What happened to it?" Lance landed next to Pidge.

"It got killed, you idiot! Killed, murdered!" Pidge screamed at Lance.


Keith's ear's pricked at what he heard.

Vile monster

He was more then that now. A walking bomb ... soon set to explode and wipe out everything in it's path (radius?)
He turned quickly, sprinting away again into the dark undergrowth, a path of death following him. The curse was activated, and it wasn't long until it de - activated ...

I take too damn long to publish a single chapter don't I?

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