Not Far - Not Long

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"It seems like someone beat us to it" Allura growled and glared at the screen in front of her. In the past few months after Keith left, half of Zarkon's army was taken down, planets saved and now rescuing the last of the prisoners from the main prisons. This was all dont without the paladins - or Voltron at that.
Everything was Passdra


The name repeated in Lance's head. He didn't know what it meant - or why it was even in his head. He knew that it was Keith, recreating himself ... but why Keith?

Why Passdra?

Lance didn't understand anymore. Blue had also repeated the name to Lance, it seemed like ever lion had the same thoughts and said the same thing -


It killed Lance inside. The answer seemed so close, yet so far ...

Author's note:
It's getting really poetic now and I have no idea why - just seems like a poetical type of night
I really need to sleep 💤 😴 🛏 ...
Also, sorry for not posting in so long and thank you soo much for 5k reads!

"That's it!" Allura jumped up. "We are going to get something done! I don't care about Keith or whoever this Passdra person is, it's our job!"

"But Allura, we're still not sure if this person is Keith" Shiro said looking at Allura and back to the other paladins.

"Well I'm pretty sure that it's Keith" Lance spoke up.

"I don't care who it is, but I want some action!" Pidge said and look back at Matt.
Pidge managed to track Matt right after he was released by Passdra. He was located in the seventh silver wing, far north of where the castle was now.

"If you believe it or not, even I'm getting bored and when I feel like fighting that's a very bad thing" Hunk popped in and gave Shiro the really pissed off look - which again, isn't a very good thing, especially coming from Hunk.

"I agree! It is my duty to send you out on mission, but really!" Allura pointed angrily up to the screen. "I've had enough! I want fighting, blood and then a peace treaty with a new planet!" Allura growled.

"But we can't set out now!" Shiro protested with Allura.

"Sure we can! Pidge, go make sure the lions are in top top shape and we're heading out" Allura glared at Shiro.

"Yes princess!" Pidge jumped up and ran towards the lion's bay, Matt following behind closely.

"Hunk, prepare provisions, if there's nothing to do, I'm making this a camp out!" Allura didn't break eye contact with Shiro. Hunk jumped up and stormed away to the kitchen.
"Lance, pack some activities" Allura hissed.

"Yippee! Space Soccor it is!" Lance pounced up and ran to his room.

"Coran, you'll put up a barrier and keep the castle prepared for any attacks - I'll be assisting you!" Allura stepped forward, her and Shiro's noses almost touching. "And you are to go and fix your head - we need some action around here" Allura had never, not even once, broke eye contact with Shiro.

"Yes, princess" he said quietly and raced of to his room. Allura turned back to Coran, licking her lips and cracking her knuckles.

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