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Boom ... BOOM
Multiple explosions where set off around the ship, but all being kept out by the defences set up by Allura.

"All paladins, get to your lions immediately!" Allura yelled over intercom. It had only been a week since Keith was sucked into the darkness of space, and the team was failing. Lance was having meltdowns, Shiro refused to sleep, Pidge would sit in front of her laptop all day trying to track Keith and Hunk spent all his time in the kitchen.

Allura was sending out messages to every planet, to see if any of them could be a step in for red lion.

The paladins thought Keith was dead.
The galra thought that Keith was dead.
The whole galaxy thought the Keith was dead.


> Keith POV <
It was dark and it was cold. My eyelids felt like they were stuck together like glue. I tore them open and looked up at space. I looked around me and found I wasn't on the castle. I was lying in a pool of purple liquid that glowed and seemed to throb. There were colourful plants around me, vibrant fruit and what sound like birds calling to each other.

I pushed the healing pod door opened and fell head first into the pool. It fizzed and burned at my skin. I yelped and kept up.
Wait, what am I doing here? Where is the castle? Where is Lance, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Allura And Coran?
I patted myself down, looking for my bayard but it was no where. I started to pace, it wasn't like me to panic.

There was a small scuttle in the yellow and turquoise bush next to the healing pod. I jumped as a little fuzzy pink animal.

This is my art btw, sorry if it looks so weird!!

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This is my art btw, sorry if it looks so weird!!

It squeaked and suddenly a tsunami of pink fuzz balls circled around the healing pod.
"Wait!" I yelled as the healing pod was dragged away.

"Stop!" I kept yelling as roots and vines pulled at me. The pink tsunami only got larger, and they kept moving fast through the undergrowth. They finally stopped at a large temple, covered with pink fur.

Looks like these animals shed a lot

Suddenly, the pink fur balls tore off the healing pod, now covered in fur.

"What brings you here, young child" an old voice said from the temple. Out from the shadows comes a larger pink creature, with the ends turning slightly gray. He seemed to hold a staff with a large jewel / gem / crystal hanging from it.

" We are the Miffues, small, cute, fuzzy and rather good at multiplying" the old Miffue said

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" We are the Miffues, small, cute, fuzzy and rather good at multiplying" the old Miffue said. "I am the leader, and I will only except offerings if it is cheese!" The leader boomed.

"Umm ... I sort of, I guess, crash landed here?" Keith said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"I saw this is the prophecy. Please, come now child, you may trust us" the leader said and turned, getting sucked into the shadow of the temple.
Keith followed as he pushed past more and more Miffues. As Keith whent inside the temple, it seemed to blind him. It was so dark, he could see his own hands.
"Ow!" Keith shouted as the leader whacked him with his stick. Suddenly, Keith eyesight cleared and he saw a giant crystal.

"Can you see it boy?" The leader asked. "This is the crystal we all call 'Tullamarinpa'. It's too long, damn ancestors. This crystal shows who you really are."

Keith walked up to it.

"Always expect the un - expected" the leader said in a harsh tone, giving Keith a warning.
Keith nodded and gulped, getting closer and closer to the crystal.

Slowly, large cat ears grew out from the side's of Keith's head. His face turned purple and his eyesight turned a tiny of yellow. Claws grew where fingernails were supposed to be and fangs where his teeth were meant to be. Keith felt a sharp pain on his back and looked, a tail spring from the spot. He looked at the leader and started shaking.

"No ... not a galra ... no" Keith started muttering.

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now