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Keith choked. Clots of blood flew from his mouth and on the dirt in front of him.
He wheezed and clutched his chest tightly. It felt as though his lungs were about to explode and boiling water was poured over his heart. Bitting down on his lip to stop from howling in pain, Keith's legs gave up under him and his body lay in the dirt, dying.


Allura knew the clock was ticking. She wanted to get the paladins out of there. She never would have thought Keith would survive this long with the curse.

Curse of decay it was called. The cursed could let out waved of 'death' in times they were in danger. But the more they used it, the harder it was to control and there insides were soon a decaying landmine. Allura wasn't surprised if he was pretty much hollow by now.
But she feared for the paladins most.

There would be a point were it was so uncontrollable that ever thing the cursed touch, would decay - die away. And when they died, their body decayed so badly, the body would burst in flames and another shock wave of decay would envelop everything within a few hundred thousand kilometres.

"That's it Coran, I'm sorry" Allura said and brought up the connection to the others, but it couldn't get through the cubinc. She heard muffled statics and muffled screams.


A painful shriek cut threw the air. Pidge minced with her headphones on, which was meant o pick up sounds.

"I'm guys, I'm pretty sure that wasn't a good scream" Lance said, spinning around, looking in every direction.

"Of course it's not you idiot!" Pidge kicked at his shin.

"Why are we just standing here! We should get out!" Hunk panicked.

"No, Hunk, we must find were the scream came from." Shiro's darkened gaze slid over the paladins, who all nodded their heads.
They all knew how important Keith was too Shiro.

They were like brothers

Another shriek pickled the air. Pidge just ripped off her headphones this time.


Keith pulled at his tail harshly.

The tip burned.

Everything burned.

It felt as if someone spilled lava over him.

He coughed and coughed, more blood exploding from his mouth.

He threw his head back and screamed again.

Stuffing his face back in the dirt, more pain washed over him.

Vile monster - just stay here and burn in hell - they never loved you - you weren't needed - they pitied you - just stop crawling back to them - stop dreaming - you'll never belong - you're an outcast - stay away from them - YOU'RE JUST A FILTHY GALRA - JUST SATY HERE AND BURN IN HELL

Keith grabbed his head and screamed, tears flowing down his furred. "Just ... hicc ... stop ... sob ... please ..."


"Does anyone else smell that?" Hunk asked. Lance lifted his nose up in the air and sniffed - smoke. Smoke equaled fire, fire means someone had to lit it - in other words, Keith!
Lance jumped up and down giddily.

"Turn your scanner thingy to heat mode!" Lance almost screamed. Without even a second for Pidge to proses the request, Lance grabbed the scanner out of her hand and flicked a few switches. "YES!" He screamed and started scanning, expanding the screen so that the others could see.

Lance walked forward, following his nose. A bright red blob popped up on the screen.

"Keith!" He yelped and a bright smile was slapped on his face, but it soon vanished.

There was Keith, his legs covered in flames and crying, panting, screaming, begging.

"Please ... sob ... stay away ... hicc ... run, please!" Keith looked Shiro in the eye, sending invisible signals of plea.
Shiro nodded his head and threw Pidge over his shoulder, grabbed Lance by the collar and yelled for Hunk to run, his hands full.

They blasted their jet packs and Lance wriggled in Shiro's grip.
A message beeped on Pidge's screen.

Princess Allura -
Get out of there, hurry!!

The message seemed urgent.

A bad feeling stirred around in the bottom of each of the paladin's stomachs. Looking back, it was as if something went off, and you could physically see the blast.
The paladin's veered their jet packs and stopped at the entrance to look back at the tsunami of light and energy making its way towards them.

"Quickly!" Shiro yelled at flung Pidge in then shoved Lance and Hunk out. He pulled himself outside just as the decay nipped at his shoe.

"Are you okay!" Allura yelled. Shiro looked around, they were in the castle. He looked back down at his foot and thanked that his real foot wasn't injured.

"Yes, but ... Keith" Shiro whispered slowly and his head dropped, the last time he saw Keith was at his worst point.

Why is it always him?

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now