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Keith examined himself in the mirror. The Paladin uniform was stretched tightly over his fur and Coran had cut a small hole for his tail. Hie helmet though had to be completely remade for his ears.

But Keith didn't care because they said yes - they said yes.

————— flashback (before Keith exploded)

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Haggar asked as she looked down at Keith who was strapped down on the experimental table.

"We had an agreement, witch. Do it or I'll break your neck" Keith spat at Haggar.

They did have a deal, a deal that went in the Galra's favour. Keith was still saw himself as Passdra and having power - power that he evolved. But there was only one downside, he would die.
Passdra (Keith) had gone to Haggar and formed a sort of contract. Immortality for betrayal. Keith would say everything about Voltron and fight with the Galra to defeat Voltron.
Betrayal for Immortality - and the only one that could give him this was Haggar and her druids.

"Then we will begin" Haggar said and motioned to the druids behind her to start the process.
As purple light descended onto Keith and enveloped him like a shield, his mouth tore open and let out curdling screams. They bounced of the walls and around the room, ringing in everyone's ears.

Zarkon was with Haggar in the corner of the room, muttering into her ear.
"Are you sure that this is safe? You are just granting him immortality, something you refused to give me." He said.

"Because you would have died honey. His body is stronger, but it will also most likely kill him" she answered, knowing that she shouldn't anger her husband.

"And what if he survives?"

"He will become the most powerful being in the galaxy, even more than he is now. He would be a god of destruction and power (had to slip in a Dragon Ball Super thing I'm pumped for Dragon Ball Heroes!!). But we don't need to worry, we made a deal. He can strike Voltron out of the sky in mere seconds!" Haggar emphasised brightly.

Zarkon pondered on this. With a wave of his hand, he let Haggar get back to her magic and left the room.

All of Keith's joints felt sore. It was as if they were pulling apart and stretching out his limbs. His headache felt as if someone was shoving giant splinters into his temple and his eyes felt like they were crying waterfalls. His throat felt hoarse from screaming.

"It's finished!" Haggar screamed after agonising hours. Keith's body shook violently and his stiff jaw slowly relaxed as the magic shield was taken away. A buzz was left in his bones and his head was about to split open.

"You brought this on yourself kid" Haggar said as Keith passed out, a burning black wilting away his vision.

still flashback

Keith awoke with cold metal pressed against him, chains of some sort pinning him tightly to the wall. His eyes felt like they stared at the sun for too long and his body was numb and pretty much limp.

"Awake scum?" A gruff voice yelled and threw a metal disc, which Keith predicted to be a plate with food still on it as the gooey texture slide down his side. The shackles that held him to the wall unclicked and Keith fell forward.

"Move it, he's a precious specimen" Haggar's low voice hissed at the galra soldier. She turned her attention to Keith, who barely managed to prop himself up. "Now tell me all the secrets! The paladins, voltron, route! Everything!" She yelled and her clawed fingers grabbed at the front of Keith suit.
A jumble of muffled slurps came out of his chapped lips. Haggar let go of Keith's clothes and turned back to the guard.
"Make sure he doesn't go anywhere. If anything happens to him report to me immediately."

Haggar walked off, hoping to deliver the news to her husband. Zarkon wasn't the most patient galra but his hunger for power would he the only thing that Keith would still be alive till the next day.
If only his powers don't come back so quickly Haggar thought.

Haggar stepped into the throne room and saw Zarkon looking out at the new planet they just conquered which burned in different shades of magenta, turquoise and lapis.

"Any news?" Zarkon said and looked at Haggar before she could speak.

"No dear (I'm here for the loving Haggar and Zarkon even if they are evil shits), the boy just woke."

"Can't you give him anything? Something to speed up the progress?"

"Progress of what? He'll heal himself and there is nothing i can give to him that won't poison him at this stage." Haggar looked at Zarkon's ticked off face and signed. "It's now just a waiting game. Wait, and you'll have all the secrets of Voltron. Wait, and you'll defeat them. Wait, and you'll win."

There was a blast and debris was flung over the room. Haggar covered herself and Zarkon with her shield. The dust cleared and a figure stood, large ears perked upon his head, a tail whipping around and body pulsed with power. Haggar looked at the figure harder, her eyes adjusting. Purple fur covered the body, bright eyes staring daggers at Haggar - Keith.

"What are you doing!" Haggar hissed.

"What does it look like?" Keith replied calmly and staggered out of the shadows. A small brown patch had already appeared on the top of his thigh.

"We had a deal!" Haggar screeched.

"And what does that matter?" Keith growled and threw a ball of raw power at Haggar, and his eyes watched as the front of the ship completely shattered.

————— End of flashback

Keith sat in Lance's room, the blue paladin weeping on the galra's shoulder. Keith wept back and clutched onto Lance tightly. Deep claw marks were scattered on Lance's back. Lance's blood drenched Keith's fur.

And it wasn't the first time Keith had snapped and almost ripped someone to pieces.

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now