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"Phin! Phin!" Keith heard someone shouting his name. He slowly opened his eyes and found a small wet pink mash lying on his chest. It shook violently and let out loud sounds.

"Hey, Millfy ... please stop" Keith lifted his hand up and patted Millfy's head. Keith looked around at the other paladins that were standing around the table, now with happy faces. "What happened?"

"Arkov betrayed us and tried to kill us. You passed out but the red lion saved you!" Pidge sniffed, obviously she was crying but was quick to wipe her tears away.

"Yeah! The lion went like whoosh! and then whish!" Lance explained, making weird airplane noises.

"Let's just say that we're happy you are back," Shiro said giving Keith a small smile. Keith nodded and gave him a small smile and looked down at Millfy again.

"Hey, you can stop crying now!" Keith said while sitting up and scooping Millfy off his chest. Millfy lifted up her little face and looked at Keith.

"P-p-Phin!" She screamed and jumped into Keith's hair. She squiggled around and suddenly became quiet.

"She's been up all day and night looking after you. We came into to check on you when you woke up" Hunk said. "She must be exhausted."

"How long was I out for?" Keith asked and looked at Shiro.

"No more than a day, don't worry" Shiro answered.

"Don't worry? I bet he's terrified that he's missed a day of training!" Lance joked as Millfy snored in Keith's hair, wrapped around in a perfect cocoon. Coran waked into the room, with a bright look on his face.

"Princess Allura would like to speak to you Phin." Keith shifted his body weight to the other side of the bed and slide of. His legs felt heavy and he stumbled a few times, using the wall for support.

"I got you buddy" Hunk said as he wrapped his arm around Keith's shoulder. He limbed over to were Allura was and Hunk let him go, going back to join the other paladins. Coran pushed the door open for Keith. Coran stepped in after Keith and let the door close by itself.

"Hello, Phin" Allura said. There were two sides to her now - joy and hate. She was overjoyed that she had found a new replacement, and one that managed to interact with him but she also felt hate, having lost the red paladin twice and letting the enemy race join (Galra Keith).

"Yes, princess?" Keith asked. He was worried and curious. He was shaking from head to toe and chose to sit down, as his Leah's couldn't hold him up any longer.

"What I have seen from the recent events is that you are quite close to the red lion" Allura continued.

Does she know I'm Keith?

"So because of current circumstances, I have chosen you to be the red lion's pilot." Keith almost exploded.


"Well ... umm ..." Keith stuttered.

"Don't worry, I discussed it with the other paladins and they all agree." Allura gave Keith a weak smile and Keith returned with one as bright as a million stars.

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now