Red Paladin

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Coran went around the castle and dusted everything as he hummed a random tune to himself. He went past Pidge's room and peaked in. It reeked of sweat and a earth food called 'pizza' that Hunk managed to make. There were game consoles, paper and the usual junk lying around the room. Coran didnt even what to dust it.
He moved down the corrider and got to Hunk's room. His room was a treasure trove of books, all different recipes from around space. There was also a stack of pots, pans and all different cutlery like the 'spoon'. He didnt want to topple any of the towers of books and pans, so be moved down to Lance's room.
The door was always left half open, Lance being too lazy to close it properly. Of course, Lance's room was littered with photos of himself and PLENTY of bad magazines.

How disgraceful! Coran thought to his and slammed the door shut.

Then he moved down to Keith's old room. He always went in to dust it, in memory of him. Keith's room was always clean and empty. Not tidy with a nice book case and a nicely packed cardboard there, it was completely empty. He had a small box of his clothes under the bed and a single pillow lay on the bed. But other then that it was empty.

That Phin guy sure reminds me a lot about Keith! He has the same emo energy coming from him, similar fighting form ...

Coran trailed on in thought as he dusted away the room. No one had ever moved anything and the only one that entered was Coran when he was dusting.
Coran kept moving down the corrider and got to Arkov's room. A cold sweat came down on Coran.

He'll probably take my head if I ever entered

Coran stood in front of Shiro's room and unlocked it, the only room ( Arkov's room wasnt locked but had heat sensor inside) that was actually locked.
The was a blanket that lay stretch over the bed messily and his normal clothes hung from a hanger that was just next to the closet.

As Coran stepped out of the room he glimpsed Keith walking down the corrider. He shook his head and blinked.

It can't be him, can it? Coran blicked again and Phin was coming down the hallway. Oh, dear Altean gods, please don't tell me I'm starting to hallucinate.

Behind Keith walked a very sour faced Arkov. He gave Coran a pissed look and dove into his room.
Coran watching Phin as he walked down the hall way. Phin gave Coran a small glance and keept walking down the hallway.

It has to be him!

Coran dropped his duster and ran down the hallway after Phin. He grabbed on his shoulders and twirled him around to face himself. Coran looked at Phin's face carefully and gave him an awkward smile and ran down the hall, leaving Phin stunned in his place.

It is! It is! Coran squealed is his mind.

He rushed in to the medical bay and grabbed out Phin's blood test and then grabbed out Keith's. He put them in a machine called 'Cintoscene Seperation Comparison' which would seperate different DNA partials in the blood and do a comparison with the other one.

Coran stood there waiting for the results as he giggled his butt around in excitement.


"It is him!" Coran jumped up and down. "But am I going to tell Allura? Am I going to tell anyone?" Coran signed to himself again. "Ohh, quiznack, I didn't this through properly did I?"

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