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Keith's footfalls were almost silent above me

His body wrapped head-to-toe in a ragged old cloak

Little lost eyes looking down at me and all of us

As we rest in peace

Keith's smile forever in our hearts

And the memories of when we were together

So ever blissfully together

I look down at the six grave stones. Each grave had delicate lettering - Lance, Pidge, Shiro, Hunk, Allura, Coran and Millfy. I carved the stones myself 220 summers ago.

My hands shook wildly as they pulled the bouquet out from underneath my cloak. Some of the flowers had got squished and the inside of my cloak was now yellow with pollen. But each flower held a meaning to me.

Lance - Hydrangea symbolises heartfelt emotions.

Pidge - Lilac symbolises youthfulness and confidence.

Shiro - Purple Iris is symbolic of wisdom and compliments

Hunk -Chrysanthemum symbolises fidelity, optimism, joy and long life

Allura - Gladiolus symbolises strength of character, faithfulness and honour.

Coran - Calla Lily symbolises magnificence and beauty.

Millfy - Hyacinth symbolises playfulness and a sporty attitude and in its extreme rashness.

I laid each flower in front of the crumbling rock. God, how long since I haven't visited here? Was it just 10 years? Or was it 30 years altogether? A strong gust of wind swept my hair up in a white tornado. My tears were carried away by the wind as I look out at the sea.

Lance would have loved the view. The two sun's rays reflected off the surface of the water, leaving behind streaks of glitter. The water itself was calm and tranquil, the aqua waves lapping at each other.

"Keith!" Lika cried behind me. He was a small green reptile with luminescent pink spots. He crawled around on six legs, his little toe nails leaving in-prints in the sand.

 He crawled around on six legs, his little toe nails leaving in-prints in the sand

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"Just ... give me another sec" I replied and quickly hid his face. Bringing the cloak up to wipe my teary eye my nose caught the wiff of rotten eggs. I just wiped my tear away with the back of my hand.

"Well we need to hurry up! Mima and Nina won't wait all day!" Lika's whiskers twitched as he scurried away. I looked down at graves again and sighed to myself.

 I looked down at graves again and sighed to myself

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NinaGetting down to my knees, I pressed my head to the sand ground before the graves

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Getting down to my knees, I pressed my head to the sand ground before the graves. I felt the sand grain dig into my forehead.

"I'm sorry ... " I whispered. More tears were caught in my eyelashes before another gust of wind came. Except that the wind seemed to whisper something back to me. I shook my head and wiped the sand off my clothes, hurrying after Lika.

His head was filled with thought

Many, many thoughts

Most treacherous and unbearable

But we knew he loved us

And that's why,

when he comes to visit us

Corpse rotting

and he begs for forgiveness,

a riddle hidden in the wind

we simply reply with

'I love you'

Author's Note -

Ok, well I think I'm going to end it there. I've put a lot of hard work into this book and it gets difficult to update on a schedule and managing school and personal life. So I've chosen to hang my boots up with this book and possibly try a different au/fanfiction of Voltron.

I also know that I did end this book on a high note but I wanted a bit more of an emotional ending.

Author out </3

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