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Keith's mind cleared of the buzzing. His body felt weak as he pushed his self through a small hole. He felt gusted of wind coming from it and it felt warm to the touch. He didn't try to push himself threw until he hand stuck his arm out.

When his head popped out, his eyes widened to the size of earth.

Trash. All around him. His eyes searched around some more. Everything seems to be dark and rusty.
His eyes slowly search the stars, burning bright until his eyes landed on the ship.
That castle.

Keith pushed the rest of his torso out. A part of him sort of giggled as he looked around again. It was like a huge playground. Lots of things to place with, destroy, burn, kill.
Keith giggled again and looked back at the ship. A wide grin spread on his face.

It felt familiar - but not too familiar. He felt confused - but not too confused.
It all seemed old, but it all seemed new.
Keith picked out a small strand off fur from his tail between his clawed nails. Licking the tip of the fur with his now purple spotted tongue, he straightened the strand of fur like a blade. It was sharp and slick. Keith quickly aimed and threw it at the ship. He could hear it cutting through the air and landing perfectly on his target - but not too perfectly.


"We're cut in half!"Coran screamed as he ran around the ship wildly.

"Please Coran, it's not that bad" princess tried to calm him down. But it was that bad. Something had completely cut through the ship, getting past the barrier and through the main engine of the ship. Cracks spread over the ship, threatening  to rip open, right in half.
Without speedy repairs, they were going to go down.

"Assign us our jobs princess" Shiro stood by her, with the other paladins by the doors ready for the mission.

"This is none of your concern paladins. Please search around the ship for a possible enemy" Allura yelled and the paladins were sent running.

"What do you think might be happening?" Pidge asked as the ship lurched suddenly to one side, sending them skidding through the hall.

"I don't know but we need to get to the lion's quickly" Shiro shouted and jumped in the hatch down to his lion, all the other paladin following, their lions getting lunched out to space.


Keith signed.
"Guess I'm still not strong enough." He spoke to himself. He had expected the ship to crash and burn in dazzling colours. He slumped down and took a peice of old greasy napkin and rusted peice of metal.
He scribbled over the napkin, creating a new symbol.

(Again, I apologise for my horrible digital art skills)

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(Again, I apologise for my horrible digital art skills)

He thought it looked pretty and turned it over writing in bold letter 'DESTROY'.
Feeling proud of himself, Keith looked back and saw small coloured dots flying out the back of the ship. Giggling to himself again, he folded up the peice of napkin like a paper airplane and lunched it towards the colourful blobs.
He didn't put all strength in it, but just enough to reach them.

The blobs seemed familiar and he wanted to show his work off to someone. Letting out another happy giggle, he hid behind a peice of rusted metal and stalked the ship from the shadows.


"This is not normal" Allura had layed the napkin on the table. Hunk had found it and brought it back to the castle. Coran had scanned the little peice of hair on it and compared it to the one that they had found cut in the metal of the ship.


"Do you think we're dealing with a new enemy?" Shiro asked, looking worriedly between Coran and Allura.

"I don't" Allura huffed out. They had just managed to secure the ship and another problem did not rest with her well. "Please, just go back to you're rooms and I'll contact you if we have made and progress" Allura huffed out and the paladins made their way to the rooms.

"What do you think it might be? A new species of aliens?!" Lance and Pidge squealed. Pidge hopped to examine the specie, while Lance's goal was to just flirt with every type of alien.

"I hope they aren't our new enemy, Zarkon was a big enough deal" Hunk joined in.

"Come in my room and we'll see what we can find." Pidge licked her lips and rubbed her hands together evilly.

"Nah, I need to take a shower anyway" Lance replied and stepped in his room. As the door slid shut he dropped to his knees and held back a scream.
His heart thumped madly in his chest, ready to jump out. His whole body stung as he ripped away his armour to expose a growing patch of white fur growing on his left leg. He had got in back in the Cubinc with Keith.

It burned horribly and Keith's memories wafted inside his mind. Loneliness - pain - regret
That's all the Lance ever felt when Keith's memories attacked. Mullet Memories, he called it. But they were never anything near happy. he always had the lingering feeling the Keith was still there, somewhere, and still suffering.

Another spasm took over Lance's body and he dropped to the ground, also feeling regret for never showing Mullet Head love and a true family ...

Author's note:
I am useless. I know I need to get the chapter out earlier but I spend about 75% of my life just simply procrastinating and doing nothing except stress. But there is a quote i love -'diamonds are made under pressure' - have no idea who this was written by but I feel this is like me with anything i do. Don't do it until there is pressure sinking over your shoulder.
I'm sorry and than you for reading thus far


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