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Keith rushed out of the dining hall. Questions and thoughts spiraled out of control in his mind, each getting weirder than the last.

What if they throw me out to feed the Treshlers? (Very aggressive dogs with blood red eyes.)
What if they send me out for an expedition to find a piece of sand?
What if they kill me and eat me? It's hard to not bite down on your enemy's skin (dark side activated)

Keith grunted and ran over to the lion's bay. The doors slide open in front of him and Red gave out a small purr, happy to see him. Keith just slumped at her paws.

I see that something didn't go very well - (Red)

You can say that again - (Keith)

Why would I need to?

It's earth humor

"Hey, are you here Keith?" Keith heard Pidge's voice. He squirmed.

Just open up Red

No, you need to face your problems

I don't want to face them, now hide me!

Red's jaw swung open and Keith rushed in. He peered out through the window and saw Allura coming around the corner.

"I think Keith is somewhere here," she said and weaved in between the lions. Keith froze. Not Allura, just not her ... "I need to see him right now! Keith Kogan! Or if you like I can still call you Phin!" She called out, finally in front of the red lion. She knocked softly and Red growled softly.

Face your problems, Keith!

The Red lion puked Keith out and he tumbled down to Allura's feet.

"Hey!" She smiled brightly at him. Keith attempted to get up, but before he could, a pair of warm arms pulled him in for a hug. "You're Keith! You're alive!" She yelled into Keith's ear. Keith wrapped his arms around Allura as Pidge stormed in with Hunk.

Let's just say that it was a good ending ... (extreme writer's block right here)


"Okay! As for today, it's our annual Earthly visit!" Allura told all the paladins a week after everyone found out that Phin was Keith. Keith still preferred to be called Phin and everyone was fine with it. "You might not know yet Phin, but every year, I take the paladins down to earth every year. When you're on earth, you can be in your human form."

"I get to visit my family again!" Lance popped up. Pidge and Shiro giggled to each other. They knew that Lance didn't know that Phin was actually Keith. They couldn't wait to see his face when he realizes.

EARTH TWO GALAXIES AHEAD - the ship said. This was their cue to get in the small escape pod or otherwise the scientists in the garrison would manage to scan them.

It really didn't take long to get down to earth, and Allura landed the pod in a sandy clearing. Lance and Hunk jumped out first. This was going to be their third visit to earth after they became paladins.

"You can revert to your human form now Phin," Allura said and stretched out her hand. Keith took the shard of crystal that he had lodged in his ear and put it in Allura's hand. The leader had told Keith that on planet Miffues, the crystal was extremely large and the effects of true from would take longer to wear off but because Keith was in possession of such a small shard, for the effect to work, his body had to be in constant contact with.

As Keith gave Allura the crystal, she pocketed it in her mini purse. Almost instantly, Keith's skin became to turn pale. His nails turned a light pink and shrunk. His ears and tail disappeared and his teeth and eyes returned to their original shape and color.

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