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Keith huffed to himself. He managed to squeeze out all the explanation out of Lance but still couldn't find Pidge.
Lance had found the maid costume in the human like shop and the handcuffs and wondered how Phin would look in a maid costume. Everyone,(Pidge, Lance and even Hunk) agreed that it would be funny to see Phin in a maid costume.

"Its dinner time!" Hunk called over the intercom. Keith smirked. Today was his favourite - Curry.
Keith made my way down the hall way and walked into the dining hall. Pidge was already sitting at the table next to Shiro. They seemed to be in a good mood.
Keith just growled slightly and sat next to Pidge.

"Hey Keith" she whispered as Lance walked in. He looked at Keith and sat at the furthest chair.
Keith turned pale (purple fur turned a lighter shad).
"What?" Keith whispered.

No no no

The same thought ran through his mind.

I'm going to be kicked out.
I'm going to be abandoned.
I'm going to be killed.

"Keith. You're Keith" Pidge giggled slightly.

"It's been a while hasn't it" Shiro said.

"You too" Keith asked, turning more pale.

"I always seemed to have vibe that you were Keith. I even remember the time I called you Keith half way through battle" Shiro giggled to himself too. Keith groaned and his head dropped on the table.

"Food is served!" Hunk yelled and brought around plates of strange looking curry. Kieth thanked Hunk, not only for the food but breaking the tense atmosphere.
Keith chose to eat his curry with chopsticks. Hunk and Lance looked at Keith strangely. Allura and Coran walked in and also gave Keith weird looks.
The only person they knew that was able to curry with chop sticks was Keith.

Keith quickly gulped down his curry and rushed, trying to escape this tense conversation.

"How you like the curry guys?" Hunk asked Pidge and Shiro and pulled a chair over. "Have you noticed something familiar with Phin?" Shiro and Pidge smirked. "He loves curry, the one that requested curry today and eats it with chopsticks! It's impossible! And he even cleaned the plate clean, just like ..." Hunk's eyes widened. Shiro and Pidge just nodded. "No way! He's alive!" Hunk jumped up, his eyes sparkling.

"Yes!" Pidge giggled and wrapped her arms around Hunk's neck.

"What's so funny paladins?" Coran came up behind them. Pidge looked at Shiro and nodded.

"We know where Keith is!" Pidge looked at Coran as a wide grin spread over his face.

"Do you really now?" Coran snickered.

"What's going on?" Allura crossed her arms.

"They know where Keith is" Coran pointed his thumb towards the paladins. Allura's eyes widened.

Pidge skipped over to her and cupped her hands around her mouth. "Phin" she whispered. Allura's eyes just widened even more.

"I - i - it is?" Allura stuttered. He eyes were now as wide as full moons. Allura seemed to need a minute to process the information. "P - p - Phin is K - k - Keith?" Allura kept stuttering.

"Yep!" Shiro, Hunk, Pidge and Coran said in unison with bright grins spread over their faces like butter.

Allura needed another minute until it clicked. "Keith! He's alive! And he's with us!?"Allura seemed to scream.

"YES!" Everyone screamed back as a reply.

Author's note :
Sorry that this chapter is so short. My lightbulb was turned turned off and I had absolutely no idea of how to turn it back on. And I also managed to slide 'that' little bit in if you know what I mean. If not, don't worry.

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