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Keith heard banging outside the room he shared with leader and Millfy. Millfy quietly snored on Keiths chest as the
person outside the door kept pounding on it. Keith scopped up Millfy, carefully without waking her and putting her on the pillow. The knocks on the door become more aggressive and made leader let out a groan.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, geez!" Keith whispered loudly and opened the door. There stood Arkov, all suited up and ready.
"What do you want?" Keith asked glaring at Arkov.

"Don't address me like that damned galra" Arkov looked at Keith sternly. "We're going!"

"I'm not going anywhere" Keith said back, firing a confused look.

"If you want to stay on this ship better listen to me" Arkov said and turned around to the lion's bay.

"May I ask where we are going?" Keith jogged to keep up with Arkov, who seemed oddly determined.

"Where do you think, we're going to find the red paladin, to find this 'Keith' guy!" Arkov yelled as he entered the room (with the lions.)

"What?" Keith stopped and looked at Arkov who started climbing into red. "Isn't he dead?"

"Remember, the Giliathors always speak the truth and since you are the last person to have seen him, I'm taking you with me!" Arkov climbed into the lion and Keith followed in. As Arkov sat, his spikes shrunk.

Phew, Red isn't completely in tatters, Keith thought to himself. Red gave a low grumble.

"But why would you need him and what are you going to do with him?" Keith sat in the passenger seat in the back.

"Because I want to keep my place in Voltron. I get all the food I want, I get money, fame! Everyone adores me! And for what I'm going to do with him, well, I'm going to kill him of course." Arkov snickered and put the ship in full thrust and shot out of the castle. Shivers went down Keiths spine.

Keith growled in the corner. He missed Millfy scuttling around in his hair and how leader would bite down on his ankle when he was disappointed. Arkov didn't care if the universe was going to be taken over by the galra.

"You're not going to get away with this" Keith hissed at Arkov.

"I will, I have for the past three years and dont think that a snivelling galra like you is going to change anything!" Arkov hissed at him and suddenly whent quite. "So, tell me the location of Keith Kogan."

"I will never answer to you!" Keith hissed, his tail wrapping around him to stop him from pouncing.

"Let's start at planet Miffues, it'll be a shame if they saw their hero, Phin coming back as a traitor?" Arkov opened a small box and pulled out a bunch of bloody Miffues.

"What did you do to them!" Keith had lost it by know as he launched himself at Arkov and ripped the Miffues from his hands. He observed each Miffue and recognised them. " Fif, Lippy, Way and Gibbs!" Keith shrieked as they lay motionless in his hand. "HOW COULD YOU!"

"Don't worry, they aren't dead, yet." Arkov snickered. "If you want me to end their suffering you can go back to the castle."

Keith just hissed.

"So, will you co - operate?"

"Fine" Arkov smirked as Keith nursed the little Miffues in his arms. "But remember to always expect the un - expected."


"Are you sure this is the planet?" Arkov asked as Keith had given him random directions to a nearby planet. They were floating closer to a lime green planet that seemed to bubble and fizz.

"Yes, when I was adopted three years ago by the Miffues, we had an an - identified object float here and as Leader used his fortune telling crystals it pointed to this planet." Keith couldn't believe he was lying. He just want to get to a planet and then what? Was he going to kill Arkov? Or was he going to let Arkov kill him? Keith's brain was a mess as ideas tossed and turned. Maybe he could abandon Arkov on the planet and get on Red? Could he run away and start a new life with the locals on this planet?

But there was one thought in his mind that didn't change - I must save the Miffues!

"So? Are we going to land or not?" Arkov asked as he circled the planet.

"Umm, ya, just find any place that is suitable." Keith stroked Lippy's head like how he liked it back on planet Miffues. He gave off a small cough with a trickles of blood slipping out of his mouth.

"I also forgot to tell you, there is a time limit. If we don't find Keith in time, they'll die. And dont even think about trying to kill me or run away, only I know where the antidote is." Keith crossed out all of his ideas off mentally. "Let's go."
Arkov jumped out of Red and immediately regretted it. "Yowch!" He screeched and jumped back in Red. "What the quiznack was that!"

"Don't ask me! I've never been on this planet before" Keith shrugged his shoulders. All the green liquid that fizzed must have been acid.

"Get down here then!" Arkov tried to push Keith in the acid but Red put her paw in between them. "You stupid lion! Traitor! Why are you helping an enemy galra!"

"Arkov, just stop" Keith mumbled.

"No! If you want your friends to live then ...!" Arkov was broken off.

"Then you've already found him" Keith stared down at the ground.

"Where!? Where is he!?" Arkov looked around, seeing nobody.

"Arkov, I want to make an agreement" Keith looked up and Red growled softly.

"No ... you ... aren't you ... it cant be" Arkov stumbled on his words.

"If you give Lippy the antidote now, you can keep your position as a paladin of Voltron, no one will find out about this" Keith looked up as Red growled louder.

"What if I refuse?" Arkov growled back. Red slowly pushed Arkov towards the acid.

"Your choice" Keith glared at him. Arkov nodded his head and whipped out a flask that had a weird glittery look to it. He tossed Keith caught it with his tail. "Get in" Keith said and got in. He slumped down in Red's pilot seat.

Welcome back, I missed you ...

Thanks Red

Arkov climbed in and sat in the passenger seat. "Buckled up?" Keith smirked.

"Why?" Arkov asked in confusion.

"Cause I want to try something out" Keith licked his lips and turned the thrusters to full. The lions blasted off, Arkov almost tumbled of his seat. He never managed to go even half this fast. He understood why Keith was part of Voltron, going faster and faster until they reached the castle.

Well, you never loose your touch, my friend

Please don't start

It took Arkov three minutes to get from the castle to the acid planet while it took Keith a matter of seconds.

"Well, its a deal then" Keith turned to Arkov and winked. "I'll be staying close to Red from now on, it's a great honour red paladin of Voltron."

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