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Keith entered his room after Arkov took him for a little ride. Millfy was still sleeping calmly on the bed and leader was snoring loudly like usual.

An eventful night I must say

Keith entered the bathroom to brush down and get ready for the day. The bathroom was filled with differnt coloured hairbands that Millfy had borrowed from Allura. Keith looked up at the mirror and was about to brush up his ears but stopped. There was a pale patch on his cheek, it was somesort of skin. Keith whent to touch it and realised that the tips of his fingers where also pale and didn't have any claws. Keith tried to wiggle his tail but it was a lot shorter and seemed to go numb.

"Leader!" He screamed and jumped out out shaking Leader violently.

"Ah! Stuid purpele bastard! I need my sleep!" Leader whined and rubbed his eyes.

"Please explain what all this is!" Keith was in a panic and was violently shaking.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? If you spend a certain amount from the  'Tullamarinpa' you'll start to return to your other half" Leader rubbed his eyes one more time and whent back to sleep. "In otherwords, you'll be Keith again."

"What's wrong?" Millfy got up and gave a large yawn.

"Look at me!" Keith showed himself to Millfy. Millfy gave another yawn and fell back on the pillow. "Ohh! Neither of you are any help!"

"All you need to do is go back to planet Miffues and get a shard of the Tullamarinpa, then as long as you dont loose it you can stay in your Galra form.

"But we're like ten lightyears away from planet Miffues now!"

"Child, stop exaggerating, we're only two lightyears away. Your red line should get there in about ten minutes. Now leave me alone, stupid purple bastard!"

"Fine! I'll pay Arkov double!" Keith stormed out of the door after grabbing his hood and mask that Coran made him.
He stormed down the corrider towards Arkov's room as he pulled on the hood and mask. He grummbled and knocked on Arkov's door.

"If it's you Pidge, you better go away or I'll snap your neck!" Arkov roared and opened the door. He froze and looked at Keith. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Because of this!" Keith ripped off his mask and showed Arkov the pale spot of human skin on his cheek.

"I just gave you a ride, patch it up yourself" Arkov started closeing the door but Keith stopped it.

"Well, I need another ride. If I dont get one, I'll be a paladin and you'll be history" Keith hissed at Arkov. Arkov cringed his face together in disgust, he didn't belive that a Galra was telling him what to do.

"Fine" he grummbled and grabbed his armor. He rushed around the corner with Keith but they bumped into Shiro.

"Oh! Your up early! Where are you two going?" Shiro asked as he steadied himself. It was weird seeing Phin and Arkov getting along.

"Phin needs to go for some bussiness of planet Miffues and I'm taking him!" Arkov growled and shoved past Shiro and Keith followed. Shiro looked at the back of Phin and noticed how short his tail was.

Maybe some sort of Galra thing? Shedding? Shiro thought to himself.

Keith and Arkov got to the lions' bay without bumpimg into ayone else. Red purred slightly and Arkov scoffed as Keith sat in the pilot's seat. Keith put thrusters on full power and sped away from the ship.

"So, Keith Kogane is it?" Arkov asked as he looked out the window and all of the planets they passed.

"Its Phin now" keith growled back to Arkov.

"Tell me about yourself" Arkov snickered.

"I dont have to talk to you" Keith snarled back.

"Remeber, I might have give the Miffues the antidote, but I can still easily infect them again" Arkov chuckled to himself. Keith groaned.
Blackmailing again

"I am a half human, half galra hybrid. I found out three years ago when I got stabbed, put in a healing pod then got sucked into space where I landed on planet Miffues and lived there, happy?"

"I meant about you on earth."

"No way" Keith said but Arkov shook the box full of Miffues and Keith signed. "My parents died in a fire when I was four, I got pulled around many foster families and then found myself in the Garrison when I ran away and lived in an abandoned shack. I wasnt a 'drop out' they just didn't want the other students to know and I was kicked out."

Not my artwork btw and also pretend that's not Shiro

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Not my artwork btw and also pretend that's not Shiro

"Cool, no wonder you're so emo all the time" Arkov said, pretending to be sad.

"You can't talk. You're just as emo."

"It's my insitinct, I also actually socialise with the rest on the team" Arkov pointed out. Keith didnt say anything but mummbled something under his breath.

So I'm a stupid purple bastard?

Yes you are now

Oh, Red, please don't start

If you where still human you would be stupid emo bastard

Keith flew around planet Miffues as he found a good place to land right next to the temple. The little Miffues that were scuttleing around doing their own bussiness stopped and looked up at the lion. Whispers broke out until Keith came out. Small cheering came around while Arkov followed behind him with healthy Miffues in his hands.

Everyone swarmed around Keith and toppeled him over. Arkov also got swarmed but mainly because of the missing Miffues.

"Everyone! Quite!" A voice boomed from the temple. Keith turned around to see Avril, Leader's wife atop the temple.

"Avril!" Keith squeaked, happy to see her again.

"It's Leader now, young man" she joked. "I know why you are here. We can do this quickly." Avril pulled out a small shard of crystal (compared to Avril it would have been HUGE) and tossed it down to Keith. It bounced down the steps and Keith caught it before he was going to be swarmed again.

"Thank you, Avril!" Keith shouted.

"Its Leader now, stupid purple bastard!" Avril yelled down to him and stuck out her tongue. Keith stuck out his tongue in return. The human patchs of skin on his face and his finger nails slowly faded back to the purple. Keith's tail extended and he flicked it around joyfully.
"Its been a long time since we saw your smiling face" Avril smiled to Keith.

"Don't worry, I'll try to visit more often." Keith waved goodbye to the Miffues and climbed into Red. Keith had stuffed the crystal into the fold of his ear where it sat comfortably, very unlikely to fall out.

"So, you seem quite close to them" Arkov said.

"Not that close, half of them dont even know what a human is, or even that galra are evil."

Keith soon landed Red in the Lions' bay and got out. Everyone was awake by now so Keith and Arkov made their way to the dining hall.

Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now