Things That Show in the Light

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Keith giggled lightly as Lance told him a joke. They were wondering around at the market for at least an hour now, and the longer Lance was with Keith, the more familiar he seemed.

His bright eyes, happy burying the dark sorrow.
His wispy hair, long and perfect for plaiting with flowers.
His small giggle, god, Lance's favourite thing about him. The small snort, flashing small fangs, tears forming in the corner of his eyes and his nose turning up slightly.

It was like this Keith, was the mirror image of that Keith.

"Ohh! That that looks interesting!" keith squealed slightly and pointed to a hair dresser of some sort? The alien itself had what looked like hair, curled around the ankles. Multiple arms sprouted from the side of it's body and eyes goggled each customer sitting in their chairs.

"You want your hair sniped? Well I think it should be right for you" Lance replied at smile.

And how much did Keith love that smile. His white teeth shined at his whole face radiated. It was like the sun, seeping into Keith.

"I think your in check too" keith replied and curled his finger around Lance's emerging mullet. lance snicker and made it to some seats. Keith at first volunteered to pay, even without any case (like watcha' doing Keith) but Lance ended up pulled the bag of coins that Allura had given to him earlier.

The Bagu, Lance had found out, was the alien's name. It had come from a distant planet, destroyed by the galra years ago. It came to this planet a year ago, opus this business, and it boomed!
"You're all done" Bagu said to Lance and showed his a pink - glass tinted mirror. Lance's mullet was gone and his looked fresher and sharper. "You're boyfriend is also done!" Bagu started and turned Keith's chair around to face Lance.

"He's not my boy — " Lance started but stopped once he saw Keith. All his long white hair was gone, leaving only a messy mullet. It almost blew Lance's mind. He look gorgeous, stunning and amazing.

"I felt like a mullet would fit him" Bagu said and Keith pouted at his locks.

"It feels good to lose some weight, but I don't like it this short" Keith's cheeks flared out, the fur standing on end.

"I think it's perfect" Lance said after re-collecting his thoughts.
Keith looked up as if he forgot Lance was with him. Almost instantaneously, a smile fluttered across Keith's face.

"Thanks" Keith adored his mullet. A complaint from Lance was worth more than the world for Keith.

A small watch, concealed by his clothes, started beeping on Lance's wrist. "Ahh" he groaned. "I have to head back" he said to Keith safely and slide of the chair.
He looked up and down the street, unable to remember the way he came from.

Keith, as if reading Lance's mind said - "I can sniff the way back to the paladins if you want? You all have a similar smell." Keith smiled as Lance, and he smiled back. "But on one condition" Keith stood straight, his nose held high in the air sarcastically. He tried to intimidate an 'matter - of - fact' aura, but only got a small giggle out of Lance. "If I'm allowed on the ship" he opened one eye and looked at Lance seriously.

"Well - I don't really think I have the authority to let you on—" Lance stuttered but was cut of by Keith weaving his arm around Lance's.

"Nonsense! Your Lance, sharpshooter and master flirt!" Keith protested as he skipped down the street, dragging Lance behind him - hand in hand.

Not long, Lance heard the whining words of Pidge. 'Probably bought too much' Lance thought to himself. He was right.

As soon as they turned the corner, Lance saw the giant hamper Pidge was pulling behind her.

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