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Liams pov:

The last day of school. Oh I can hear the angels above singing me fucking hallelujah.

The only thing is, after Paige left I couldn't get a wink of sleep. No amount of John Lennon or The beatles helped take my mind off Sally. She didn't understand what was happening. Paige knew me and her were boyfriend and girlfriend as far as the term went but we would never fall in love. I just needed her to take my mind of Sally. Paige could see that but she didn't love me either. She loves Connor and I'm just as much of a rebound to her.

I was developing feelings for Sally that I couldn't understand. The way she spoke, moved, laughed made me feel weak, my knees got weak whenever she walked through the door.I couldn't allow myself to feel that way. I can't be in love with my Sally Cinnamon. She's got potential, her family is good, she's good at school. I'd be no good for her. I would drag her down.

I thought that if I blanked her she would eventually fuck off and get the point. Now I got what I wanted, but I realised it's not what I really want. I miss her, I miss her touch and her smell and everything about her. I wish I could tell her how sorry I am but it would be no use now.

I get ready for school and follow the smell of bacon . I meet my mother and Noel at the kitchen table drinking their cuppas.

" Well done ya daft bastard" my mum hits me with the news paper when I sit my tired ass down on the chair. "You don't know a good thing when ya see it" she shakes her head at me.

It's obvious Noel told her everything.

" Mam ya both know how I feel about her . I can't allow myself to be near her I fucking love her but we all know she can do better".

" You're a good looking lad Liam!" She raises her voice.

"Without a doubt" I agree with her.

Noel snorts. " Just daft in the fucking head "

I give him a dirty look and turn my attention back at my mum " mam ya know what I mean, she's smart and going somewhere with her life . I'm not!" I state.

We spoke about how I feel before and the both of them know just how much better that girl can do no matter how goddest I look obviously. I'd say I'm fitter than John Lennon, got a better haircut anol. Or at least it looks miles better on me.

Mam argues back with" But she only fucking wants you! Daft sod"

" You're blind as fuck" Noel shakes his head.

I stuff my face with cornflakes which our kids already prepared me. He can be a good one.

I sigh after swallowing " ar well not anymore. She doesnt want to see me again she says".

" Yeah well her mams just been on phone to me and she'll be over for dinner every day until they get back. I suggest ya make up with her. Poor girl"

Fucking great.

Sallys pov:

I decided not to go to school that day.

Unfortunately my mother rang Peggy to make sure I was alright so by 4 I was already at the Gallagher household, sat around their kitchen table consuming chicken soup. That woman knows how to cook.

Seconds later Liam walks in the kitchen and joins us at the table "oright?" He says sitting down. My pulse starts to raise, I'm sure of it.

" Yeah how was the last day?" Noel asks Liam not really sounding like he cares.

" Bet he tells ya it was shite" Peggy slurs on her soup.

" Ar yeah Mam it was Boring. Party at Holly's tonight though, ya invited " Liam tells Noel.

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