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I walked around London for a long time. I tried going shopping to take my mind off Damon but couldn't find anything I liked. In the end, I eventually found my way to Noels house. I could only hope Damon wouldn't find out about this. I wondered whether I should try and contact the Gallaghers or not. Damon would be pissed . But After all, they are the closest thing to me.


They were.

I would be lying if I said Damon and me aren't as close as me and Noel and Liam once were. I feel just as protected by Damon as I once did by the Gallaghers. The only thing that's different is that there is no romance involved. Damon is just as good of a best friend as Liam and Noel once were. He looks after me, defends me and makes sure I feel safe.

I couldn't quite believe what I was doing. I found myself outside of Noels house. The nerves kicked in real bad, sending cold sweats and shivers around my body , my stomach doing a million flips. I looked around and decided against knocking on the door. I couldn't bring myself round to doing it. I bet Noel didn't even want to see me.

Instead of knocking on the door and "risking" my life , I headed for the shop just a few houses away. I was surprised to see all the paparazzi waiting outside.

But then again. Was I?

I figured they would be waiting for either Liam or Noel to leave their house. Or maybe even one of their celebrity friends.

"Excuse me I need to go in for some fags". I blurted out- feeling shy. I was used to paparazzi following me and Damon around but I've never been comfortable with it. I'm sure Damon loved it.

"Ofcourse. They all say that" one of them commented, laughing at me. This made me feel stupid and I didn't know what he was talking about. I ignored the comments and headed for the door.

One of the security guards stopped me before I could go in " You can't come in right now ".

"Why the fuck not? What's going on here? " I raised an eyebrow- trying to look through the glass window of the shop, but my view was blocked by the other security guards inside.

"You just can't come in" he wasn't apologetic.

"I only want some bloody fags."

"Not right now ! You can't go in!" He raised his voice And didn't sound as calm and collected anymore.

Bitch, who do you think you're talking to? Big ass bellend.

"Well then you fucking go in for me! I've had a shit day and I need a cig! I don't care who's in there" I pointed at the door.

Before he could react, I was pushed out of the way by the door. Someone must have pushed it open and it moved me out of the way " hey you fucker watch where you're fucking going !" . My day seemed to be getting worse by the minute.


I looked up to see the face of the too familiar voice. "Liam?"

Liam pulled me up to supernova heights with him. My anxiety kicked in when all the cameras were shoved in our faces and we were bombarded with questions. Who's this ? Liam where's patsy ? Is it over between you and patsy? Is this your new girlfriend? Liam is it somebody from the past ? Hey aren't you that girl Damon's best friends with? Sally have you forgotten about Damon ? What would Damon say about you and Liam ? Are you getting back together?

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